OSHB in online Bible program SOB

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Libor Diviš

Mar 12, 2018, 6:50:08 AM3/12/18
to OpenScriptures Hebrew Bible
Hi Everyone,

I just want to give information about my online Bible program SOB (www.obohu.cz/bible). SOB now also offers OpenScriptures Hebrew morphology (http://obohu.cz/bible/index.php?styl=OSH&k=Z) in 2 languages - English and Czech (automatically, according to the selected language of the SOB interface). Strong's numbers are linked to dictionaries (English, Russian, Spanish, French, Chinese). The dictionary language also changes automatically - according to the language of the SOB interface. 

Morphology is displayed after you move your mouse on Hebrew word, the meaning of the word is displayed when you move your mouse on Strong's number. After clicking on Strong's number, Webster Concordance will open in a new tab. All concordances in SOB have many functions.

Regarding OSHB text: 
I obtained the data manually (using regular expressions) from the latest version of OSHB (v.1.3). The "Qere" and words with the possibility of other accents are color highlighted. Regarding OSHB in SOB: you can use simple or advanced search function for Hebrew words or Strong's numbers (9 types of searches), compare OSHB with many dozens of Bible translations and original texts, display lists of verses, change the font size, hide/show Strong's numbers, and so on. More information you can find for example in user manual (http://obohu.cz/bible/sob_user_manual_4_2017_EN.pdf).


Simple search for Strong's numbers:

Simple search for Hebrew words (only words with full match of accents are highlighted):

Comparing mode:

King James Concordance:

I am sorry for my bad English :-)


Robert Hunt

Mar 12, 2018, 7:09:01 PM3/12/18
to openscri...@googlegroups.com

Very nice. Of course, word glosses would make it better (rather than having to scan through each pop-up Strongs entry one-by-one).

I also am using the OS morphhb in an interlinear window in my still-developing Biblelator Bible editor as I resume my Open English Translation. The morphhb doesn't list word-roots/base-forms, but indeed these can be obtained via the Strongs numbers.

The morphhb also doesn't include any glosses, so I have started work on creating my own general (e.g., for a simple example, the prefix L- might be glossed "to/for") plus specific (where in a specific sentence one of "to" OR "for" might be more natural) glosses (in English only sorry). The first step in this is to remove the cantillation (sentence structural) marks from the morphhb in order to get a useful Hebrew form (for the database key), and I think I've mostly got that working (but I'd be very glad of any improvements).

I'm happy to make any of my preliminary work available, but even better, I'd love it if someone more qualified could work on openly-licensed glosses for the morphhb.


P.S. I see you have a Greens Literal Translation (1985). I wasn't aware of that before (but I'm guessing it's not openly licensed?).

James Cuénod

Mar 13, 2018, 6:12:58 PM3/13/18
to OpenScriptures Hebrew Bible
I tried this simple search but it didn't seem to be highlighting whenever the cantillation marks weren't exactly the same.
I tried removing the cantillation mark and it found no results.

It's definitely worth looking into unicode normalisation and regex blocks. I'm not sure what you're using on the backend but I put this together a while ago to document a few things I thought would come in handy: https://jcuenod.github.io/bibletech/2017/08/19/matching-hebrew-unicode-regex/

Keep it up! It's always good to have people using open data and making it usable...

In Christ,

Libor Diviš

Mar 19, 2018, 2:31:41 AM3/19/18
to OpenScriptures Hebrew Bible
Hello James. You can now use a simple search without any problems. You can search with vowels, cantillation marks, or in plain text without diacritics - it does not matter. 


רָקִ֔יעַ , ( מלאכתמְלֶ֨אכֶת  

Dne úterý 13. března 2018 23:12:58 UTC+1 James Cuénod napsal(a):

James Cuénod

Mar 19, 2018, 10:55:17 PM3/19/18
to OpenScriptures Hebrew Bible
This is a great improvement Libor! Thanks for the update.

Okay, I know this is more complicated but say I want to find a specific vowel pattern now, how do I do that?
I would suggest ignoring vowels unless any are present and the same with accents.
You can use regex to figure out which classes of diacritics you need to be matching (like this, for example).
But as it is, this is a far better approach to searching :)

A few other suggestions for future improvements:
1. Highlighting multiple search terms
2. Being able to search for terms that aren't consecutive
3. Searching multiple strongs numbers (in fact, since you have OSHB, search on lexemes and forget strongs numbers!)
4. Since you have OSHB, search based on morphological data (e.g. hiphils of ראה)

Libor Diviš

Mar 20, 2018, 4:28:25 AM3/20/18
to OpenScriptures Hebrew Bible
Dear James,

If you want to find a specific vowel pattern, you can use simple or advanced search in WLC without cantillation marks

You wrote: "You can use regex to figure out which classes of diacritics you need to be matching"
I'm programming in PHP and not in JavaScript, but it is not a problem. I use a similar function in PHP. There is no problem to detect a match between two strings (strings can be "cleaned" eg from cantillation marks), but this change can not be done on the MySQL database side. This means, however, that I would be forced create another table, that will only contain text with vowels. And my limit of MySQL database size is almost exhausted :-(

1. Highlighting multiple search terms
2. Being able to search for terms that aren't consecutive 
It is possible, that I will try to edit the advanced search in OSHB (for search regardless of diactics). But you can do it already in the above-mentioned module (WLC with Strong numbers) and also in module modules without diacritics (eg Tanach Morphology). You can also use another translation to compare, such as OSHB.

3. Searching multiple strongs numbers (in fact, since you have OSHB, search on lexemes and forget strongs numbers!)
Searching multiple Strong's numbers is in OSHB available. In advanced search you can search multiple Strong's numbers - you have 2 variants to choose from. (for example "gods" and "gladness" - {H8057 and H430})

4. Since you have OSHB, search based on morphological data (e.g. hiphils of ראה)
This is not possible in this version. I made a table of all possible combinations of morphological abbreviations, not their decomposition.

I was looking for some biblical program, that effectively uses morphology from OSHB. But I found no such program. I found only a demo page without a search feature and without other functions. Morphology in OSHB is not complete, and what I did, is just the first attempt.


Dne úterý 20. března 2018 3:55:17 UTC+1 James Cuénod napsal(a):

Libor Diviš

Mar 26, 2018, 8:33:52 AM3/26/18
to OpenScriptures Hebrew Bible
Dear James,

I've improved search capabilities in the OSHB module. Newly simple search allows find the Hebrew strings with or without diacritics, also with changed final consonant (ךםןףץ). These cases are distinguished by different colors. (EXAMPLE)   

You'll also find a similar feature in Advanced Search ("Simple search (word or part of a word)"). This feature allows you to search for Hebrew words with or without diacritics, but disregards the possibility of changing the final consonants. (EXAMPLE of the same search)

Advanced search function "Search the exact phrase" allows you to find exact match. (EXAMPLE)

Another useful advanced search feature is "Match all words (including parts of words)". This feature allows you to search for more Hebrew words with or without diacritics, all searched words must be in the same verse. (EXAMPLE)

Next advanced search feature is "Match any word (including parts of words)". This feature allows you to search for more Hebrew words with or without diacritics, search for at least one of the searched words. (EXAMPLE)

You can also search for one or more Strong's numbers, either all searched Strong's numbers, or at least one of them. (EXAMPLE


Dne úterý 20. března 2018 9:28:25 UTC+1 Libor Diviš napsal(a):

Libor Diviš

Apr 15, 2018, 4:23:23 AM4/15/18
to OpenScriptures Hebrew Bible
Hello everyone, 

I've again improved search capabilities in the OSHB module in SOB. I added the possibility of morphological search. You can search Hebrew or Aramaic words (or parts or roots of words) with or without diacritics, also with changed final consonant [ךםןףץ] (these cases are distinguished by different colors). You can also search Strong's numbers (with H at the beginning, or simply enter the number itself ). Morphological search is available in Czech (for Czech and Slovak language interface) and in English (for all other interface languages).

When you click on the text "Morphological search" with a magnifying glass symbol, a form with detailed search settings will appear...

Some examples of use:
For example, I want to search for the hebrew root "שׁבת". And I want to know when it's in the form of a "verb", or, conversely, only in the form of a "common noun", or which "proper names" have this root, or which common nouns with this root are in the "feminine gender", or I want to find all the verbs with this root, that are in the "imperfect".

Of course, I can search even at the most detailed level - for example, from this root I want to find all "common nouns with masculine gender, in a singular number and in a state absolute".

      Libor Divis

Dne pondělí 26. března 2018 14:33:52 UTC+2 Libor Diviš napsal(a):
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