project ownership

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Zhiliang Hu

Mar 25, 2022, 3:31:22 PM3/25/22
to Open Science Framework
I created a project and made it public. Can I add a person to have him as an owner of the project?  Does s/he has to have an OSF site account?

I need to transfer some publication supplementary data we currently host and let the authors to be the owner of their data on OSF.


Eric Olson

Mar 25, 2022, 3:47:49 PM3/25/22
to Open Science Framework
Hi, Zhiliang,

Yes and no.  You can add your peer to the project and make them an administrator, even if they don't have an OSF account.  However, they will need an account for them to interact with the project and for you to be able to remove yourself from it.  You can share this guide with them so that they can easily claim their OSF account.
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