[OpenSAML] XML sequence

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rangeli nepal

не прочитано,
13 мар. 2011 г., 09:36:2913.03.2011
– mace-open...@internet2.edu
Good Morning Everybody

I am developing couple of extension Objects. Things are working ok.
However I had two questions. Your answers will be highly appreciated.

1. I am trying to enforce sequence i.e ordering of elements.

e.g In JAXB, if I had to implement order of value and description ,
from annotation perspective It would have

@XmlType(name = "Status", propOrder = {

In opensaml, if I extend the impl object with AbstractSAMLObject, I
see a method called

public List<XMLObject> getOrderedChildren()

This method works nice and fine you are working on list or composite
Object. How to enforce it on singleValued Object or is not required?

2. How opensaml differentiate between Element and Attribute. I may be
when you are writing marshaller and unmarshaller you override proper

Thank you.

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