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vanilla-rtb can bid on every impression up to 50K QPS on a single exchange handler

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vladimir venediktov

May 6, 2017, 7:35:25 PM5/6/17
to openrtb-dev
After 2 months of hard work vanilla-rtb team has finally released tuned up stack that can bid  on every impression while getting up to 50K QPS  on its exchange handler!
Please join me in congratulating vanilla team for their hard work and dedication to outperform all open source stacks.
Kudos to vanilla team !

vladimir venediktov

Aug 17, 2017, 1:20:13 PM8/17/17
to openrtb-dev
I addition to that , yesterday we fixed slowness
in Json to openrtb::BidRequest structure .
The stack outperforms now when rapid_mapper
(introduced with latest github pull request ) applied to exchange handler.
In addition to that we should be releasing official
docker image version 0.0.3
All of our docker images are public on
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