OpenResty XRay's New Capability Unlocked!

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Aisse Tejas

Nov 12, 2024, 2:58:17 AMNov 12
to openresty-en
Analyze Applications Without Debug Symbols! Video:

Even when binary programs have no debug information, it can:
• Automatically reconstruct debug symbols from binary programs using our own machine-learning algorithms
• Display complete call stack traces at the language levels of C, Lua, Python, Perl, PHP, etc.
• Precisely locate source files and line numbers
• Zero configuration and zero hints needed for target programs. 100% non-intrusive.

The accuracy here is close to 100%, at least for the types of symbols our product needs; they are primarily accurate enough. If there are any inaccurate cases, our human experts can help fine-tune them, which is not a problem.

We are porting this magical new technology to large C++ program binaries like the JVM. OpenResty XRay will soon be able to automatically reconstruct high-quality debug symbols from any JVM binary program files. It should take about a few more days.

Text version:

Some people speculate that our OpenResty XRay uses the ELF file's build ID to look up existing DWARF information in a database; but we're actually targeting binaries that customers have modified and compiled without the -g flag or binary software packages downloaded from third parties without debug symbols. This is the most challenging and general problem to solve.

For any existing binary programs and their debug symbols found online, our crawler system has already indexed them in our Pkg DB, which has accumulated hundreds of terabytes of data and is still growing daily. Why would we need such advanced machine learning technology for those cases?

Feedback and questions are always welcome!
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