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Major technical challenge...

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Aisse Tejas

Jan 30, 2024, 8:08:42 PM1/30/24
to openresty-en
Hi everyone!

A major technical challenge involves automatically generating debug symbols for Linux kernel images lacking debuginfo. We cannot always find debug symbols for a random kernel in the wild.

This task also requires addressing security mechanisms like the struct field randomization in C compilers. The AI-based automatic reverse-engineering algorithm used here is similar to the one we mentioned before, which automatically modifies kernel modules to adapt to new kernels. Once perfected, this can be integrated into our OpenResty XRay dynamic tracing product.

Interestingly, Reini Urban, a core developer of the Perl 5 interpreter, commented on X (formerly Twitter) that this is an "unwinnable uphill battle," a rather pessimistic view in our humble opinion. However, our track record has been quite good. We've generally been able to achieve the technical goals we set, so please wish us the best!

Feedback and questions are welcome!

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