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Real-Time Request Counting against Nginx Processes via YSQL

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Aisse Tejas

Jun 27, 2023, 7:55:48 PM6/27/23
to openresty-en
Hi folks!

Want to have a powerful tool that directly queries your running processes as a read-only database with SQL? And no logs or metrics at all? If the answers are yes, you will like our new blog post “Real-Time Request Counting against Nginx Processes via YSQL”:

YSQL lets you analyze apps online without hassle. Just write a SQL query and see results and charts. No changes or restarts are needed for your applications, just like any other analyses in OpenResty XRay. YSQL also supports primitives for CPU, memory, latency, and more.

We also plan to support more types of target applications as “virtual tables” for YSQL queries, such as Envoy, ATS, and other server processes, various application frameworks in Python, Go,  Java, etc., and database processes like MySQL, Pg, etc.

People asked about the implementation of our YSQL language. You can refer to the two articles our CEO wrote before introducing the basic principles of dynamic tracing and our improvements and innovations in this field: and

Feel free to share your feedback and questions :)
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