When restoring an openrem v0.10 export (postgres 10) into a fresh openrem v1.0 installation (postgres 14) I get the following error:
pg_restore: from TOC entry 1086; 1255 16424 AGGREGATE median(anyelement) openremuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: function array_append(anyarray, anyelement) does not exist
Command was: CREATE AGGREGATE public.median(anyelement) (
SFUNC = array_append,
STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}',
FINALFUNC = public._final_median
I checked and the new database indeed lacks the aggregrate function "median". So far this doesn't seem to give any errors in the frontend, even when running queries with "median" enabled but this is probably something that needs fixing. How can I manually create the median function for the new database?
regards, Tim