Release 1.0 first beta ready for testing

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Ed McDonagh

Mar 29, 2023, 11:47:28 AM3/29/23
to OpenREM
Beta release announcement - version 1.0.0b1 is now available for testing.

Headline changes


  • Nuclear Medicine SPECT and PET information integrated into OpenREM from RRDSR and images

  • Standard names mapping - group similar procedures from different scanners under the same name

  • Completely new charts, including box and whisker plots

  • New tasks management, including export and error details

  • Better query-retrieve logging and analysis

  • Skin dose mapping errors fixed

  • Speed improvements, especially for exports


  • Python version now 3.8 - 3.10

  • Django 3.2

  • Removed dependence on Celery, Flower, RabbitMQ, Erlang


  • Instructions for Windows, Linux and with Docker

  • Documentation overhauled

If you are able to test this release on a new install or in a test setup, please do and feed back to the developers, either here or on bitbucket.

The documentation for the different types of installation and upgrades are available at The documentation for Windows in-place upgrades is still being written, but upgrades to a new Windows server, fresh installs and installs to Linux or with Docker are all ready for testing. Feedback is very much welcomed.

If anyone would like to start on updating the documentation or interface translations, please look at the documentation for translations.


This is a big release that has taken three and a half years to make happen. In that time we have had lots of contributors, including Wens Kong, Daniel Wyatt, Tim de Wit, Louise Giansante Martins, Luuk Oostveen, David Platten and myself. Special thanks go to Gerd Lutters of KSA who has provided ideas and civil service computer science students to work on OpenREM - Jannis Widmer and Kevin Schärer. Between them they have introduced the nuclear medicine functionality, redesigned the tasks management system to enable OpenREM to continue to be supported natively on Windows and many other improvements to code quality, documentation and functionality.

In addition we have had strings translated by Allan Nordhøy, Paolo Marcheschi, Georg Stamm and Marcelo Sosa, for which we are very grateful.

Georg Stamm

Apr 6, 2023, 3:07:55 AM4/6/23
to OpenREM
Great to see open REM approaching version 1.0! The new charts are very useful, especially the box and whisker plot.
Thank you for your comntinous work!

Ed McDonagh

Apr 6, 2023, 3:40:22 AM4/6/23
to OpenREM
Thanks for the feedback Georg! And thank you for the translation work you have done :)

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Ed McDonagh

Apr 7, 2023, 1:30:41 PM4/7/23
to OpenREM
Hi. Can you look to see if you've followed the tasks section of the instructions properly - maybe huey isn't running?

You can use the non-server instructions if you like, just to check if that's the issue:

Let us know if that helps?

Kind regards


On Fri, 7 Apr 2023, 14:29 'h4n ke' via OpenREM, <> wrote:
thank you for making OpenREM 1.0.0b1 available.

I've completed install on an offline Windows server 2022 in the hospital where I'm a medical physics expert. It's a first for me. 

The openrem start page is available through openrem/openrem. 

As it turns out i'm not succesfull importing test files into the openrem application. Not sure if this is the right place to post my question, I'm new to the group.

(venv) PS E:\venv\Lib\site-packages\openrem\scripts> python 'E:\venv\Lib\site-packages\openrem\remapp\tests\test_files\DX-Im-SiemensMultix.dcm'

powershell "hangs" after this command.
ctrl-c, and the last line of the output is:

File "E:\venv\lib\site-packages\huey\", line 964, in get_raw_result time.sleep(delay)

i tried as well on a different dcm. Same result. 

Any ideas?

Op donderdag 6 april 2023 om 09:40:22 UTC+2 schreef Ed McDonagh:

h4n ke

Apr 12, 2023, 11:30:05 AM4/12/23
to OpenREM
Dear Ed, thank you for the fast response.
- on your suggestion I followed the non-server instruction, after that huey started working and tasks moved from queued to active and the rdsr studies appeared in the database.
I'm happy that worked.

Before this I created an active directory user, because I thought this perhaps was necessary.
- this received some pushback from our IT staff. What is the exact purpose/function of the active directory user?

Also, in my case the queue-init.bat file reads a line that points to:
- E:\openrem\openrem\ run_huey ...

I changed this line to
- E:\venv\Lib\site-packages\openrem\ run_huey ...

and ran queue-init.bat again, giving ad user as input.
Somehow many errors again in
which accumulate real-time and seem to be related to a permission error:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'E:\\log\\openrem_extractor.log'

Now i think the import failure was due to a not starting of huey through the winsw applications?

The winsw applications appear to be running continuously, filling the err.log file.

Do you have any ideas on how to setup my configuration properly?

best regards,

Op vrijdag 7 april 2023 om 19:30:41 UTC+2 schreef Ed McDonagh:

Apr 12, 2023, 12:01:08 PM4/12/23
to OpenREM
Dear Han,

I have recently set up an OpenREM 1.0b test system using Windows Server 2019.

I didn't create an active directory user for huey - I just created a local Windows user, and this worked. I will update the Windows installation instructions.

I also had to edit the queue.init.bat file to ensure that the line, and the python.exe line were pointing to the correct locations for my installation. Again - I will update the Windows installation instructions.

I think that your permission errors are being caused because the user that you used when running the queue.init.bat file doesn't have permission to write to the E:\log folder. I suggest that you edit the properties of the E:\log folder and make sure that the user that you used when running the queue.init.bat has read, write and modify permission on the E:\log folder.

As an aside, I found that when importing DICOM objects I got a permission error on the task page entries a bit similar to what you have seen in your log file, but the complaint was a permission error on the E:\orthanc\dicom folder. I fixed this by giving the built-in Windows IIS_IUSRS account read, write and modify permissions on that folder.

Please let me know how you get on.

Kind regards,


h4n ke

Apr 13, 2023, 11:42:07 AM4/13/23
to OpenREM
Dear Ed, I appreciate your feedback.

- i ran queue.init.bat as administrator and entered my local user credentials
- i fixed some misnomers in the IIS_IUSRS r/w permissions on the task queue folder
- we'll remove the a-d user

after that the import scripts for local dicom to openrem work properly without error.
this is on offline windows server 2022.
next step will be to setup the dicom query retrieve.


Op woensdag 12 april 2023 om 18:01:08 UTC+2 schreef
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