Dicom Conformance Statement

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Marco Ovidi

May 8, 2024, 11:08:10 AMMay 8
to OpenREM
the company that manage my pacs ask me if OPENREM have   Dicom Conformance Statement ?

i search on the webpage but i don't find it.

there is?

Ed McDonagh

May 9, 2024, 3:32:19 AMMay 9
to OpenREM
Hi Marco. 

Unfortunately no, we haven't created a DICOM conformance statement for OpenREM, and we should do for the C-FIND & C-MOVE functions.

However there is a conformance statement for Orthanc, covering the C-STORE function, though it isn't in the proper format: 

Is there any particular aspect they would like information on?

Kind regards


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