I was trying to switch from OR 3.61 to OR 3.6.2 and added rdf-transform 2.2.0. It is loading as usual without any error message and OR landing page is available but the moment I'm selecting a project it is taking infinite time and finally stopping without any message either in the web interface or in terminal. The terminal messages are appended herewith.
I've then tried to start OR 3.6.2 by removing this extension and it is working again as expected.
17:57:15.278 [ refine_server] Starting Server bound to '' (0ms)
17:57:15.313 [ refine_server] refine.memory size: 4096M JVM Max heap: 4294967296 (35ms)
17:57:15.395 [ refine_server] Initializing context: '/' from '/home/psm/openrefine-3.6.2/webapp' (82ms)
17:57:16.408 [ refine] No refine.host specified while binding to interface, guessing localhost. (1013ms)
17:57:17.362 [ refine] Starting OpenRefine 3.6.2 [579a6f7]... (954ms)
17:57:17.362 [ refine] initializing FileProjectManager with dir (0ms)
17:57:17.362 [ refine] /home/psm/.local/share/openrefine/3.6/ (0ms)
17:57:44.667 [ NER-extension] Initializing service manager (27305ms)
17:57:44.676 [ NER-extension] Initializing commands, changes, and operations (9ms)
17:57:44.682 [ NER-extension] Initializing client resources (6ms)
17:57:44.691 [ RDFT:Controller] Current Java VM Version: 11.0.14 (9ms)
17:57:44.705 [ RDFT:InitCmd] Initializing RDF Transform Extension 2.2.0... (14ms)
17:57:44.705 [ RDFT:InitCmd] Ext Mount Point: /extension/rdf-transform/ [*] (0ms)
17:57:44.706 [ RDFT:InitCmd] Client Side... (1ms)
17:57:44.706 [ RDFT:InitCmd] Server Side... (0ms)
17:57:44.717 [ RDFT:InitCmd] Initializing... (11ms)
17:57:44.770 [ RDFT:Util] Getting Preferences from Preference Store... (53ms)
17:57:52.488 [ RDFT:InitCmd] ...Apache Jena initialized. (7718ms)
17:57:52.488 [ RDFT:InitCmd] ...initialized. (0ms)
17:57:52.499 [ RDFT:InitCmd] SUCCESS: ExporterRegistry test succeeded! (11ms)
17:57:52.499 [ RDFT:InitCmd] Preferences... (0ms)
17:57:52.505 [ RDFT:InitCmd] Preferences: { bDebugJSON:false, iSampleLimit:20, iVerbosity:0, iExportLimit:10737418, bPreviewStream:false, bDebugMode:false } (6ms)
17:57:52.505 [ RDFT:InitCmd] ...RDF Transform Extension initialized. (0ms)
17:57:53.462 [ refine] POST /command/core/load-language (957ms)
17:57:53.515 [ refine] GET /command/core/get-preference (53ms)
17:57:53.562 [ refine] POST /command/core/load-language (47ms)
17:57:53.578 [ refine] POST /command/core/load-language (16ms)
17:57:53.590 [ refine] POST /command/core/load-language (12ms)
17:57:54.067 [ refine] POST /command/core/get-importing-configuration (477ms)
17:57:54.231 [ refine] GET /command/database/saved-connection (164ms)
17:57:54.238 [ refine] GET /command/core/get-all-project-tags (7ms)
17:57:54.264 [ refine] GET /command/core/get-all-project-metadata (26ms)
17:57:54.507 [ refine] GET /command/core/get-csrf-token (243ms)
17:57:54.528 [ refine] GET /command/core/get-languages (21ms)
17:57:54.602 [ refine] GET /command/core/get-version (74ms)
17:58:20.037 [ rdf_extension] receiving request for styles/rdf-reconcile-service.css (25435ms)
17:58:20.076 [ rdf_extension] receiving request for styles/rdf-schema-alignment-dialog.css (39ms)