GREL for Identifying collaboration

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Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay

Oct 5, 2022, 11:06:15 AM10/5/22
Dear all

I have a dataset like this:

ID Institute City State Country Type1 Type2
PSM-3 University of Poona Pune Maharashtra India UGC-University UGC-University & IUC
PSM-3 University of Poona Pune Maharashtra India UGC-University UGC-University & IUC
PSM-22 Christian Medical College, Vellore Vellore Tamil Nadu India Medical Science Medical Sciences (E & R)
PSM-22 Christian Medical College, Vellore Vellore Tamil Nadu India Medical Science Medical Sciences (E & R)
PSM-26 University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad Karnataka India ICAR-University ICAR-University & Institute
PSM-26 Central Institute for Cotton Research Nagpur Maharashtra India UGC-University UGC-University & IUC
PSM-26 National Research Centre for Plant Biotechnology Hisar Haryana India ICAR-CPB ICAR-University & Institute
The first column is for paper ID which is unique for each item in the dataset. The Institute column represents the institutions responsible for the paper. The value of this column may be the same if the authors belong to the same institution or may be different involving many institutions (2 to 8 in the dataset).

I wish to determine the degree of collaboration like

ID Institute City State Country Type1 Type2 Degree of collaboration Nature
PSM-3 University of Poona Pune Maharashtra India UGC-University UGC-University & IUC 2 Same institution
PSM-3 University of Poona Pune Maharashtra India UGC-University UGC-University & IUC 2 Same institution
PSM-22 Christian Medical College, Vellore Vellore Tamil Nadu India Medical Science Medical Sciences (E & R) 2 Same institution
PSM-22 Christian Medical College, Vellore Vellore Tamil Nadu India Medical Science Medical Sciences (E & R) 2 Same institution
PSM-26 University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad Karnataka India ICAR-University ICAR-University & Institute 3 Different institutions
PSM-26 Central Institute for Cotton Research Nagpur Maharashtra India UGC-University UGC-University & IUC 3 Different institutions
PSM-26 National Research Centre for Plant Biotechnology Hisar Haryana India ICAR-CPB ICAR-University & Institute 3 Different institutions
The name strings for institutions, cities and other columns are exactly the same for every occurrence.

A sample is attached herewith.

Best regards

Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay

Professor, Department of Library and Information Science,

University of Kalyani, Kalyani - 741 235 (WB), India

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