What does it mean when something is 'unreconciled'

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Joseph Anderson

Nov 16, 2022, 12:09:10 PM11/16/22
to OpenRefine

I'm using wikidata to reconcile a large set of name entities with wikidata. I ran it through and got about 3000 results as 'unreconciled'. What does that mean as opposed to a 'none' result where it didn't find any options. Is 'unreconciled' where something is just not working? For instance, I got an 'unreconciled' for "BARNEYS NEW YORK", which I know has a wikidata entry.

Any ideas for what to do with the subset that are unreconciled. Can I rerun those, without re-run the other 300,000 names that were successful?


Joseph Anderson

Thad Guidry

Nov 16, 2022, 1:28:30 PM11/16/22
to openr...@googlegroups.com
It might be easier to think of “unreconciled” as “potential matches found” and “none” as “no matches found”.

We might entertain the idea of rewording in the interface.

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Joseph Anderson

Nov 16, 2022, 1:39:45 PM11/16/22
to openr...@googlegroups.com
Hi Thad,

I think I'm getting something different with 'unreconciled'. For instance:


In my 'who_reconciliation' column, things like 'Lord and Taylor' and 'Filene's, Boston' are coming up as 'unreconciled' whereas the first entry 'Carlisle show co.' is 'none', but does give me an option to create a new item. The 'unreconciled' does not give me that option at all.

I think something is buggy with the wikidata reconciliation because something like Lord and Taylor ought to return something, right? That's the entry in wikidata itself.

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Joseph Anderson (he, him, his)
Digital Initiatives Librarian | Assistant Professor
Gladys Marcus Library | Fashion Institute of Technology
Seventh Avenue at 27th Street, Room E619
New York, New York  10001


Thad Guidry

Nov 16, 2022, 9:31:00 PM11/16/22
to openr...@googlegroups.com
Indeed, earlier, I had tried to simplify the verbage for you.  "unreconciled" more accurately is "no Recon object created - we might have had an error in the backend of OpenRefine, or the reconcile service you are using might have had an error (like HTTP 504 gateway timeout) or we couldn't properly parse it's response because it's malformed somehow"

If you are using Wikidata service to reconcile, it might have been that reconciling that cell "LORD AND TAYLOR" had an error, or no response back from the server. Hard to tell.
You could click on the Flag for that row, then facet only by Flag and do a GREL expression preview with something like:


to see if there is even a [object Recon] that was created by our backend code.

The GREL expressions are found in our docs here: https://docs.openrefine.org/manual/expressions#reconciliation
If you wanted further, you could create a new column based on the reconciled "who_reconciliation" column and do something like:


which should preview the candidates object to see if one was even created and if not, then it will show "null" in light grey.  This "null" might be do to a backend error with the server and it did not return any candidates, or had a more severe HTTP 500+ error which are not shown or stored currently. (unfortunately)
The above shows my test with a bit of your same record data where I did get a match for "LORD AND TAYLOR".
Below, in the reconcile settings, I clicked the radio button for "Reconcile against no particular type" and "Auto-match candidates with high confidence"

Here's the test project you can import and experiment with if needed (attached)

Owen Stephens

Nov 17, 2022, 6:33:21 AM11/17/22
to OpenRefine

Joseph Anderson

Nov 17, 2022, 9:47:22 AM11/17/22
to openr...@googlegroups.com
This is very helpful. I actually cross-posted this on the new forum, so I'll just continue the discussion there.

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