Bug in OpenRefine partion() documentation?

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fabius pocus

Oct 23, 2022, 3:57:37 PM10/23/22
to OpenRefine
This is a piece of text of partition() documentation:

partition(s, s or p fragment, b omitFragment (optional))

Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the first ..............................The expresion "abcdefgh".partition(/c.e/) will output [“abc”, "cde", defgh” ].

I think that:


[ "ab", "cde", "fgh" ]

and not:

[“abc”, "cde", defgh” ]


Owen Stephens

Oct 24, 2022, 7:31:19 AM10/24/22
to OpenRefine
Thanks Fabio - I've raised an issue on Github and submitted a fix for review https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine/issues/5371

Tom Morris

Oct 24, 2022, 12:17:46 PM10/24/22
to openr...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Owen!
Fabio - you can do this yourself too. The issue tracker is unrestricted and available for everyone to use.


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