Issue 581 in google-refine: Refine Error During Import of 260 MB csv file on Macbook Pro 2.7/8gb ram running OS X Lion via Chrome

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Jun 1, 2012, 12:05:25 AM6/1/12
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 581 by Refine Error During Import of 260
MB csv file on Macbook Pro 2.7/8gb ram running OS X Lion via Chrome

Everytime I try and import this file from Google Cloud Storage (260MB csv)
it freezes or I get the error screen attached. I have allocated 4,096MB to
Refine and am running it via Chrome... Any ideas?

Macbook Pro Early 2011 2.7ghz 8mb ram
Mac OS X Lion most recent upated
Up to date Java 64-bit
Chrome Browser (latest version)

ErrorScreen.tiff 20.5 KB

Jun 1, 2012, 10:19:00 AM6/1/12

Comment #1 on issue 581 by tfmorris: Refine Error During Import of 260 MB
csv file on Macbook Pro 2.7/8gb ram running OS X Lion via Chrome

Sorry to hear about the problem. On the surface, that file sounds like it
shouldn't be too big, although it depends to some degree on the number of
cells and type of data.

It almost sounds as if the browser itself is crashing which makes me wonder
if there's something unexpected about the data. Are there a large number
of rows with blank cells in the first column? That could make Refine think
they form pseudo-records causing it to attempt to display a large number of
rows at once in the browser. If this is the case, you should be able to
import the file as plain text, switch to row display mode (record mode is
the default), split the text lines into columns and move a different column
to the first (leftmost) position to prevent this from happening.

If that's not the problem, can you try opening a Terminal window and
running the Refine server there to see if there are any error messages on
the console when the import fails?

Jun 1, 2012, 11:47:59 AM6/1/12

Comment #2 on issue 581 by Refine Error During
Import of 260 MB csv file on Macbook Pro 2.7/8gb ram running OS X Lion via

The first column does not have blanks... there are a lot of blanks
throughout the table... How do I run using Terminal?

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