Please test trunk for 2.5 release

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David Huynh

Sep 16, 2011, 5:54:56 PM9/16/11
Hello everyone,

As mentioned in a previous thread, I'm hoping we can get version 2.5 released after at least 2 rounds of testing. I'd really appreciate your help in testing out trunk/ at this time. If we don't find any major issue, we'll cut a release candidate and ask a wider audience to test after 2 weeks.

Version 2.5 (only in trunk/ currently) primarily features a complete revamp of the importing UI. In addition to importing from a local data file or a URL, you can now paste in plain text, or select an existing Google spreadsheet or Fusion Tables table. You can also import from an archive file (.zip, .tar. gz) and select which files within it to process. You also get a preview of the data and tweak importing options before creating the project for real. The support for XML and JSON  is a lot stronger: you can interactively select which XML element, or JSON object to import. For fixed-width field files, you can click to specify the column boundaries.

This upcoming version will also provide a custom tabular exporter (see attached), which lets you select which columns to export, and how to format each column (e.g., output reconciled IDs rather than cell text). It also lets you upload directly to new Google spreadsheets or Fusion tables.

There is another long-awaited feature: the data table's column headers now stay put as you scroll the table vertically.

These are significant UI changes, which required significant code refactoring. Please help us discover issues before we cut the release candidate!

You should take the precaution of backing up your workspace directory before trying trunk/
Here's how to get trunk/

Thank you in advance!



David Huynh

Oct 5, 2011, 1:13:33 AM10/5/11
Hi all,

If you have been testing trunk/, please do let me know if you've encountered any problem. I'm hoping to have a release candidate rolled out this week for a wider audience to test.

BTW, I just checked in support for IE9 with Chrome Frame.
If you use IE9, please give it a try. I think it should work on IE8, too, but I have not tested that.



Tom Morris

Oct 5, 2011, 7:54:48 PM10/5/11
Another area where we could use help is getting the tests green again.
We currently have 72 failing tests.


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