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Upgrade cycle for HSDS 2.1: spec and process proposals

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Greg Bloom

Apr 21, 2022, 4:38:52 PM4/21/22
to OpenReferral
Hi folks – 

I'm excited to share that we have on hand a set of proposals for an upgrade for HSDS, to version 2.1, authored by Mike Thacker of Porism and Devin Balkind of Sarapis. 

This upgrade cycle will focus on developing formal guidance through which specific communities (geographic or topic-focused) can develop specific  'profiles' of HSDS such that a given set of extensions and constraints can be officially presented as a specification unto itself. (The proposal would establish a new version of the Open Referral UK spec, as a reference implementation for this profiling mechanism.)
These proposals are summarized here:
Here’s what will happen moving forward:
  1. our technical stewards – Open Data Services Coop – will review the proposals and prepare feedback in May.
  2. we’ll form a workgroup (also in May), including Devin and Mike and others, to receive feedback from the Coop, and from any of you, and then work through revisions and supplementary / future proposals.
  3. Once a proposed HSDS 2.1 has been reviewed and generally approved, Open Data Services Coop will implement the changes and update our documentation.
Toward that end (specifically #2), I've sketched out this proposal for forming and facilitating a Workgroup to guide the development process. There’s a couple of  open questions in there which we have yet to figure out, and we’d welcome input. 

We'll share back versions of the proposal as it's formalized, along with opportunities for you to learn more and share feedback (whether or not you join the workgroup). 

I am going to be on vacation next week, looking forward to get this workgroup together promptly when I return at the beginning of May.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!

Greg Bloom

May 25, 2022, 10:30:12 AM5/25/22
to OpenReferral
Hi folks – following up on the details about the HSDS upgrade cycle that I shared here last month:

We have assembled a workgroup, hooray. Thanks in advance to:  
- Mike Thacker, Porism
- Devin Balkind, Sarapis
- Shelby Switzer, Beeck Center
- Sarah Pottelberg, AIRS
- Skyler Young, SiteSavvy
- Paul Brown, Placecube
- Ian Singleton, Digital Gaps

We will also have support for coordination, facilitation, and documentation from Tim Hill of the Open Data Institute. 

The first workgroup meeting will take place on June 6th at 11a Eastern. This first meeting will likely just be reviewing and approving our agreements for how the workgroup will work, reviewing the proposed upgrades (linked above) and setting its agenda for the months ahead. This will be a recorded meeting, and will be open to anyone who wants to sit in and listen (non-members who sit in will be welcome to offer comments in the chat). If you’d like to sit in the kickoff meeting, or have any questions about this process, please let me know.

Thanks to all for your time and insights!

Greg Bloom

Jul 14, 2022, 4:48:01 PM7/14/22
to OpenReferral
Hi folks – we'll host an open meeting on Friday 7/22 from 11a-1p Eastern, to review the proposed upgrades to HSDS on a line-by-line basis. (As above, here's the narrative proposal currently on the table and here's the spreadsheet that we will review.

This will be real in-the-weeds stuff, going field-by-field through a comparative analysis of the existing and proposed versions, so it's not going to be for everyone. The format will be a fishbowl – members of our workgroup will have the floor to discuss, and anyone else who wants to join is welcome to listen in and chat.  if you're interested in participating, please let me know and I will send you a calendar invite. 


Greg Bloom

Aug 16, 2022, 5:00:32 PM8/16/22
to OpenReferral
Hi folks! Thanks to those who have joined us for HSDS review process.

We have an updated summary document with all proposed changes, and notes from our discussions here (including video recordings of all but the last discussion, which is coming soon).

We've made it pretty much all the way through (!) and we are now preparing a last review before these proposed changes are handed off to Open Data Services Cooperative, who will turn it into a complete upgrade proposal. (Then, once the proposal has been formalized and shared back, there will be a FINAL request for comment period before approval.)

So this next line-by-line review won't be your last chance to register any other issues, but it may be your best chance. If you'd like to join, help us schedule by indicating your availability here:

Thanks folks! Looking forward to wrapping this up.

Greg Bloom

Aug 26, 2022, 12:33:59 PM8/26/22
to OpenReferral
Hi folks – we've scheduled one last review of the proposed changes to the HSDS schema in this upgrade cycle. 

on Friday Sept 9th from 11a-1p ET we'll convene on zoom to review the proposed changes described here and enumerated in this spreadsheet

If you'd like to listen in, and if you have any questions or input to the process, please let me know!

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