Chassis Plate printing on FlashForge Creator-X, any success stories?

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Hephaestus Thunder

Oct 28, 2014, 11:15:54 AM10/28/14
After printing out the long list of parts I had two left, the front and rear Chassis plate.  I'm using a FlashForge Creator-X printer using Simplify3D and I have to say I'm having a devil of a time printing this.  I tried printing it first on it's side which resulted in a terribly brittle print - pieces just snapped right off.  Tried to print it flat, however I found that even with the chassis being 5mm shy of the entire width of the print plate I couldn't get it to print out without causing issues or to center properly on the print bed.

Has anyone had any success printing out the chassis on FF or any other printer with a similar bed?  I'd love to get this car put together and this is the last piece of the puzzle.



Apr 20, 2016, 11:28:11 AM4/20/16
to The OpenRC Project
Yes.  I had to adjust the build plate size in Simplify 3D because it was slightly smaller than the actual build platform.  I had a couple of false starts, because it didn't print in the spot as pictured.  I moved it slightly forward of center as pictured to compensate for the distance it was off.  Once I did that, it printed fine.
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