which python version to install on a mac?

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Mar 27, 2013, 9:27:23 PM3/27/13
to openqu...@googlegroups.com
I'm running a mac with OSX 10.6 and decided to update the python to the current version 3.3. At this point I was just looking to run hazardMapNRML2Shapefile.py on my machine using output files generated in OATS. At some point I will want to try installing OQ locally.  I suspect that python 3.3 got me out of sync with the OpenQuake developers as I see that Ubuntu 11.04 is the version being used with OQ and that comes with python 2.7. Should I revert to python 2.7 instead of using 3.3? In attempting to run hazardMapNRML2Shapefile.py I have had some problems with python 3.3 not being a complete package (missing package installing tool for example) so was looking to revert to an earlier more robust version anyway. I could go back to 2.7 if that's what OQ uses.

Also, I'm thinking of installing Ubuntu 11.04 on a PC to stay in sync with OQ developers and not have to deal with Ubuntu/OSX 10.6 differences. My objective would be to be able to run the OQ code as soon as it is developed without version conflicts. Another possibility to avoid version differences would be to just do everything on OATS and not run anything locally.


Lars Butler

Mar 28, 2013, 9:32:23 AM3/28/13
to openqu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Bill,

Yes, you should revert to Python 2.7, which is the latest in the
Python 2.x series. (Python 3 is a significantly different platform;
all OpenQuake software is intended to run on Python 2.)

While it is possible to run OQ on OSX (I do it for development), it is
_not_ a trivial task; it can be quite a pain in the neck to install
all of the dependencies. It's a good idea for you to go with Ubuntu,
although I would install Ubuntu 12.04 instead 11.04. 11.04 is quite

For instructions on how to install the latest software on Ubuntu,
please see https://github.com/gem/oq-engine/wiki/Installing-the-OpenQuake-Engine.

I hope that helps.

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