Dear Lars
Thanks a million because of your useful answer. It solved my problem, but unfortunately when I run this command
hasan@hasan-Vostro-1400:~/Desktop/openquake-test1$ openquake --config-file config.gem
[2012-12-10 17:18:19,718 #27 hasan-Vostro-1400 PROGRESS MainProcess/3447 root] ** initializing (hazard)
[2012-12-10 17:18:20,857 #27 hasan-Vostro-1400 PROGRESS MainProcess/3447 root] ** pre_executing (hazard)
[2012-12-10 17:18:21,057 #27 hasan-Vostro-1400 PROGRESS MainProcess/3447 root] ** executing (hazard)
[2012-12-10 17:18:39,163 #27 hasan-Vostro-1400 PROGRESS MainProcess/3447 root] ** > hazard 100% complete
[2012-12-10 17:18:39,525 #27 hasan-Vostro-1400 PROGRESS MainProcess/3447 root] ** post_executing (hazard)
[2012-12-10 17:18:39,570 #27 hasan-Vostro-1400 PROGRESS MainProcess/3447 root] ** clean_up (hazard)
received this warning in celeryd terminal
hasan@hasan-Vostro-1400:/usr/openquake$ celeryd
[2012-12-10 17:17:48,566: WARNING/MainProcess]
-------------- celery@hasan-Vostro-1400 v2.4.6
---- **** -----
--- * *** * -- [Configuration]
-- * - **** --- . broker: amqp://guest@localhost:5672//
- ** ---------- . loader: celery.loaders.default.Loader
- ** ---------- . logfile: [stderr]@WARNING
- ** ---------- . concurrency: 2
- ** ---------- . events: OFF
- *** --- * --- . beat: OFF
-- ******* ----
--- ***** ----- [Queues]
-------------- . celery: exchange:celery (direct) binding:celery
12-12-10 17:17:48,575: WARNING/MainProcess] celery@hasan-Vostro-1400 has started.
Dec 10, 2012 5:18:22 PM log
INFO: WARNING: heartbeat is disabled.
At first I want to know this is a serious problem or not.
After that, the output of this running is:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<nrml xmlns:gml="" xmlns="" gml:id="ID0">
<disaggregationResultField gml:id="ID1" poE="0.1" IMT="PGA" endBranchLabel="1">
<disaggregationResultTypes>MagPMF DistPMF TRTPMF MagDistPMF MagDistEpsPMF LatLonPMF LatLonMagPMF LatLonMagEpsPMF MagTRTPMF LatLonTRTPMF FullDisaggMatrix</disaggregationResultTypes>
<disaggregationResultNode gml:id="ID2">
<gml:pos>0.0 0.0</gml:pos>
<disaggregationResult groundMotionValue="0.312215899093" path="/var/lib/openquake/disagg-results/job-27/disagg-results-sample:1-gmv:0.3122159-lat:0.0000000-lon:0.0000000.h5"/>
Now, I want to know how could open h5 file or convert to xml or dat file, as was shown in Demo folders.
Another question: could you please introduce me any software to make or edit XML files and plot outputs of openquake.
Thanks a lot