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Accessing QM servers from a Linux workstation

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Donald Montaine

Sep 8, 2022, 1:22:57 PM9/8/22
to OpenQM
I have 2 servers, one running Linux QM 4.0.7 on Debian 11,  the other running  QM 4.0.7 on Windows 10.   The client computer is running Debian 11.

So far I have found the best way to connect is using Putty on the client Linux computer and XTerm terminal emulation for the Linux server and Msvt terminal emulation for the Windows server.

Just checking to see if others have found better solutions.

Brian Speirs

Sep 8, 2022, 5:02:41 PM9/8/22
to OpenQM
The BEST option is to use AccuTerm!  :-/

But if you don't have AccuTerm, then PuTTY is a good option. However, it isn't configured ideally to work with OpenQM.

Here are a couple of pages from my update of "Getting Started in OpenQM - Part 2" (won't be finished for a long time yet). These pages deal with configuring OpenQM to match the default PuTTY configuration - although you could do it the other way around.



Donald Montaine

Sep 8, 2022, 7:04:07 PM9/8/22
to OpenQM
Linux workstation with no windows emulation.  So Accuterm is not an option.  Thanks for the Putty configuration info.

Sep 8, 2022, 8:46:52 PM9/8/22
to OpenQM
I use AccuTerm7 under Wine.  A couple of minor anomalies, but otherwise usable.

Brian Speirs

Sep 8, 2022, 9:52:10 PM9/8/22
to OpenQM
Good point. AccuTerm 7 works well with Wine.

Just make sure that you either use a 32-bit wine bottle, or enable multi-architecture. For a Debian type system, use something like:

dpkg --add-architecture i386

before installing Wine. Once Wine is installed, use Winetricks to install vb6run. I also install comctl32ocx and comdlg32ocx - but I'm not sure if they are strictly necessary.

GUI screens look slightly different, but all the functionality is there.



Donald Montaine

Sep 9, 2022, 1:15:27 AM9/9/22
to OpenQM
This is just a research project for me, something that I have always wanted to explore but didn't have the time.  I am looking for the least complex system that can be created and still be effective.  My goal is something that would run acceptably on Celeron laptops at $200 each, so that a complete 10 user system would consist of  11 laptops (10 clients and one server) that could be  carried in a  small suitcase, quickly set up with a wireless router and used for data collection without an internet connection. So, in the end, even a GUI of any kind may be too complex.
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