Device Licensing and sessions per user

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Jose Gabino Arocas

May 23, 2022, 11:28:13 AM5/23/22
to OpenQM

Sometimes the device licensing system doesn't seem to work properly (or the accuterm telnet, maybe) and counts more than one license to the same user on a single device.
Is there a way to know how many licenses each session has consumed? .
That way it would be easy to determine who the system has not worked well for to diconnect them.

Thnak you for your answers,

J. Gabino

Brian Speirs

May 23, 2022, 4:34:28 PM5/23/22
to OpenQM
This doesn't really answer your question, but you do need to configure AccuTerm to use device licensing - this doesn't automatically happen.

    Tools > Settings > Connection
    Tick the checkbox that says: 'Enable device licensing (U2 / QM / D3)', and the next checkbox: 'Append LF to device license response'.

If you have a lot of users to check, you may be able to write a script that runs from your login process to update the AccuTerm settings for users as they log in.



Jose Gabino Arocas

May 27, 2022, 1:27:19 PM5/27/22
to OpenQM

Yes i know it and all users have AccuTerm configured to use device licensing and it usually works but sometimes (not often) QM consumes a license that should not be consumed.


May 27, 2022, 1:53:55 PM5/27/22
to OpenQM
This might help.

I have found that sometimes when a unexpected disconnect happens for the user, the server will keep that ssh/telnet session alive, and so will QM. Again, this sometimes happens.

What I have found is if you get on the server and terminate the ssh/telnet process that has hung, then QM will clean it's self up, and thus the license is then free to use.
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