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Donald Montaine

Jun 2, 2022, 7:13:37 PM6/2/22
to OpenQM
Rocket just sent out notices to licensees of the former Zumasys database products.  In the document it mentions that Rocket is promising to provide support for 5 years after the transfer.  Does that statement have any hidden meaning?

Brian Speirs

Jun 5, 2022, 12:47:03 AM6/5/22
to OpenQM
They made the same comment in their webinars a month or so ago.

It is probably their polite way of telling everyone that they are supporting too many different MV platforms, and that they will need to rationalise that lineup at some stage. But they don't want to scare the horses in the meantime.

Of course, moving users to a different platform may not be easy when it comes down to it. The demise of mvBASE has been on the cards ever since Pick Systems took over the GA databases, and yet it is still here 20+ years later. And moving mvBASE users to D3 is probably the easiest step in rationalisation.

OpenQM has similarities to both of the U2 products - but I'm not sure that QM users would want to go (back) there. I suspect Rocket would need to put a lot of QM features into U2 before users would be enticed to leave.

My 2 cents worth.


Donald Montaine

Jun 6, 2022, 7:16:41 PM6/6/22
to OpenQM
I updated my licenses at Ladybridge just before the sale to Zumasys, so I have supported systems until 2027 and 2028.  Glad they are mostly a hobby now.  However,  unless they raise the licensing fees for QM to equal U2, I don't see many people wanting to convert.  Plus QM is just so much simpler to administer than either of the U2 products.


Jun 7, 2022, 3:20:38 AM6/7/22
to OpenQM
And QM's COLLECTION and how it treats JSON objects is wonderful. The curly brace syntax is very elegant and effective compared to other multivalue products that use functions.

Marcos Alonso Vega

Steve Trimble

Jun 7, 2022, 8:24:27 AM6/7/22
to OpenQM Group
I agree with Donald 100%
I love the QM environment. Rock steady. Feature rich.
Kudos to Martin and his group!

Computerized Data Mgmt Inc
Steve Trimble
(501) 772-3450 cell / text

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