Sheet/cell styling questions

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Aug 24, 2023, 4:25:02 PM8/24/23
to openpyxl-users
Hello openpyxl folks,

I have a handful of different styling questions (which probably all just boil down to not knowing the Excel terminology for what to search for, so thanks in advance for any tips that might seem obvious).
  • Is it possible to style a cell to visually truncate its contents if they're wider than the column width, rather than wrap or overlay onto the cells to the right?  (Google sheets has this in the "Text wrapping" menu as "clip"; not sure what Excel or LibreOffice would call it.)
  • Can I freeze entire rows or columns so they stay visible even when scrolling away?  I've tried things like ws.freeze_panes = "A1" but it doesn't seem to have any effect.  (Do I need to specify a whole column/row somehow?)
  • Can I automatically set a column width based on its contents, like I get by double-clicking a column boundary in Excel/Google Sheets/LibreOffice?
Thanks for any advice, and thanks for this tool in general.

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