Adding Reviews and things to my OPDS server

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Mar 9, 2014, 1:53:55 PM3/9/14
I've undertaken a long term project to scan my books (about 1200 now and rising).

the most recent milestone is writing an OPDS server to find and retrieve them (it's working, but alpha).

What I want to do next is to be able to edit custom properties of the book, specifically adding a personal review and star rating.

I've read a little about atompub, but it seems not to be terribly well supported and I'm not entirely sure that I can have custom properties (such as a star rating) or how I would implement that.  Also, my current reader of choice is a Windows RT table which severely limits my reading options!

The alternative would be if I could open up a web page from the OPDS entry / feed that I could use to edit my metadata.  This seems to me to be possible (having a content section with a link, perhaps?), but I'm not really sure how to represent that in an entry.  Nor am I sure what my client (currently freda, but there are one or two others which appear to support OPDS).

Any advice or suggestions would be most welcome.

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