Board Z tolerance?

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May 24, 2023, 4:13:47 AM5/24/23
to OpenPnP
Hi all,

I have just built a new panel on my chmt48vb, and I have one component that is slightly too high, (4.1-4.2 mm) and touches its fellows already populated.

So I figured I should try to lower my PCB, which can be accomplished to this machine, since the previous owner did a CNC track 1.1mm below the normal PCB level (he used this with the original chmt fw).

But before trying, I figured I should ask, if this will mess up everything? I.e. would I have to recalibrate stuff (what?), or can I just go with it, by changing the Z value to 1.1mm lower in the board setup? What potential issues should I look out for?

-  Micael

mark maker

May 24, 2023, 4:35:35 AM5/24/23

Can't say for the hardware side (nozzle travel etc.).

For the OpenPnP software side, this should be fine, as long as you redo Issues & Solutions primary & secondary fiducial calibration and nozzle <-> camera offsets calibration (confetti), with the primary fiducial on the new lower PCB surface. This will calibrate out any slight nozzle tilt you might have.

If I were you, and if it is technically possible, I would also try to adjust the bottom camera focal plane to match the new PCB surface Z, especially if the bottom camera has a wide angle lens. Then redo the bottom camera calibration(s) too.

When I say "camera calibration" I mean both the preliminary and advanced calibration (the latter can be optional, if it causes problems).

And this assumes you have nozzle tip calibration always active, ideally setup by Issues & Solutions, so it will be automatically refreshed to the new situation on the next homing/nozzle tip change:


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May 24, 2023, 7:34:34 AM5/24/23
to OpenPnP
Thanks Mark!

>>For the OpenPnP software side, this should be fine, as long as you redo Issues & Solutions primary & secondary fiducial calibration and nozzle <-> camera offsets calibration (confetti), with the >>primary fiducial on the new lower PCB surface. This will calibrate out any slight nozzle tilt you might have.

Would that be these seven marked i&s?


This is all saved in machine.xml, right? So if things takes a turn to the worse (can't see why, but better safe than sorry), I can just restore the currently working machine.xml.

The hardware side of things will not cause any issues, actually, if I  had the time, I'd mill the new level down 0.5-1mm further, but maybe this is a good first step, to learn the ropes.
The worrying thing I can think of, is that the feeders will now not be on the same level, which might make the vision system struggle more, but perhaps this is not an issue. Esp if I leave focus plane of down looking camera where it is? (The new board Z only makes a very minor de-focus I can't see this will make any issues with the fiducials etc).

Doing the upward looking camera  actually is a good thing, I need a kick in the behind to get a better lens and/or move the camera away some more to decrease the lens distortion I currently have outside the center of the image. And maybe also be able to capture larger components in one go.

 - Micael

mark maker

May 24, 2023, 8:43:52 AM5/24/23

> Would that be these seven marked i&s?


> This is all saved in machine.xml, right? So if things takes a turn to the worse (can't see why, but better safe than sorry), I can just restore the currently working machine.xml.


> The worrying thing I can think of, is that the feeders will now not be on the same level, which might make the vision system struggle more, but perhaps this is not an issue.

The problem is not vision, especially if you redo the Advanced Camera Calibration too, which handles camera Z tilt.

The problem is nozzle tilt, when the feeders are at different Z height (i.e. the confetti test, which measures camera <-> nozzle offsets was done at a different Z). But for a few mm I don't think it will be critical, tilt is usually low on this commercial machines (this is more of a reminder for other users, not to make any feeders that are centimeters above/below PCB level).

> Esp if I leave focus plane of down looking camera where it is? (The new board Z only makes a very minor de-focus I can't see this will make any issues with the fiducials etc).

As long as all the calibrations are made, this does not matter much, focus is not that important, tilt and Z dependent scale a.k.a. 3D Units per Pixel are.

Personally, I would always go for the PCB focal level for the down-looking camera, assuming you can adjust the camera focus easily. Fiducials on the PCB are really important. The feeder vision is not that critical, any errors there will be compensated by bottom vision, and bottom vision in turn has compensation for nozzle tilt, assuming you use nozzle tip calibration too:

Z axes parallax



May 24, 2023, 8:59:50 AM5/24/23
to OpenPnP
OK, again, thanks for acknowledging!

Agree on focus on PCB, but..

Changing the focus on the down looking cam means basically redo the hole machine calibration on these machines, (drag pin/feeders etc) which is not something I have the time to do now. (and in fact, I feel slightly sick, thinking about it :) ). Hopefully, the fiducial lock-ins will work just as fine. At some point, I want a better down looking camera, than the one I have, further away, and with longer focus depth.

 - Micael

mark maker

May 24, 2023, 9:17:08 AM5/24/23

> Changing the focus on the down looking cam means basically redo the hole machine calibration on these machines, (drag pin/feeders etc)

Theoretically, it should not matter. Just carefully adjusting the focus a bit should not change the camera axis. I agree, in practice, the danger of somehow shifting the lens is there, but, even a shifted camera lens should cancel itself out through:

Camera shifted -> Visual Homing compensates for camera -> Camera to Nozzle offsets calibration compensates for nozzles.

So in the end, everything should remain the same, effectively.

The only caveat is that this all is only strictly true for that common PCB surface Z level, where everything was calibrated before the change. If you have large camera and/or nozzle tilt, it does slightly change on different Z levels. Again, I don't think it will in practice matter for the few mm you are talking about.


Message has been deleted


May 25, 2023, 2:26:22 AM5/25/23
to OpenPnP
Somehow google groups are being naughty again. I wrote an answer yesterday that seems to have evaporated.

But anyway, the down camera on the chmt's are impossible to work gently with; in order to change focus, you need to unscrew the tube camera, remove it, unscrew the lens cover and only then can you adjust the focus. Then you have to assemble everything again, with the three screws that holds the tube camera, being the alignment in all different direction, so there's no way to get it back where it used to point, and the rotation will also be different. It is OK for a one-time solution, but you don't want to mess with once it is all set up - think sledge hammer. :-)

The above means that, even with the theoretical solution for nozzle and so on, the drag pin adjustment will go out the window and it is rather complicated, since it (at least in my experience) is a iterative process that involves the tape feeders - the documented carbon copy paper solution only gives a first iteration. I think this is because this method is stopping the plunger at board Z, and there's a play in the plunger esp half way, and the mark is then also up for visual adjustment errors, since it is not necessarily indicating the proper center of the pin.

I guess there has been thoughts about relating to the up looking camera, but I am no sure if anyone has tried that route, and maybe it is no better than the carbon copy method in the end. You can see here how the drag pin travel is traveling on my machine. Could also be the up looking camera adding/subtracting its angle to this, of course.



I think I will change my down camera at some point, because it is just about doing its job, there are better solutions out there.

 - Micael

mark maker

May 25, 2023, 4:22:01 AM5/25/23

> But anyway, the down camera on the chmt's are impossible to work gently with

I see, that's why, when I proposed this, I wrote: "assuming you can adjust the camera focus easily." 😁

> the drag pin adjustment will go out the window

You're absolutely right, I was not thinking of that.

I'm not sure the pin can be accurately calibrated like that. Maybe my impression is wrong, but I always thought these solenoids are quite crude, they are not really engineered for this purpose. I expect them to have quite a large play when extended, right?

Have you ever rattled it around when extended? When you jog to the bottom camera from the right and extend, and jog from the left and extend, does it appear at the same position?

But the play does not really matter, because I expect the pin is thin and the sprocket hole is large, so inserting it is not a problem if you aim for the center. They only expose their repeatable positional property, when actually under load, i.e. when the pin is wedged against its shaft, so the whole thing is mechanically defined for the first time.

Exaggerated illustration (some of that could also be flex):


As a conclusion: any calibration attempt would have to be under load. Perhaps dragging an object, which has high friction/mass, and a central "sprocket" hole  in all four directions, then finding the hole with the camera each time. The centroid of these four would give you the real center, and you could derive an "under-load" diameter of the pin (which could even be negative, if the play is large!). This would have to happen at the same Z as the feeders, as the play/flex is likely dependent on pin extension.



May 25, 2023, 5:05:37 AM5/25/23
to OpenPnP
>>I see, that's why, when I proposed this, I wrote: "assuming you can adjust the camera focus easily." 😁
Yep, I understood that, I just wanted to explain that I am not against changing focus of the camera as such, just that the implications are big.. :-)

Regarding the solenoid/dragpin;

I think first of all, there's the mounting angle error of the solenoid, and also the actual mounting position (it is held in place by two screws, there's some play here, of course, before they are tightened).
Then, we have the runtime play. However, once the dragpin is down, it is pretty solid, since the magnetic strength is high, so no rattling (but this may be individually different). I am not sure if the play while going down is relevant in actual operation, since if it is, the somewhat pointy dragpin should then anyway steer the plunger into the sprocket hole (which I think you are also saying). But when calibrating, using the carbon copy method, any play will/could add to the error. The play should also become less and less, as the plunger enters fully the coil. (But if I pull down the drag pin by hand, I can still feel a noticeable play - like you say, it is not a precision thing, exactly :-) )
In my case I had to adjust the drag pin coordinates in Y direction in two iterations from the initial carbon copy solution, IIRC, since it was stuck once fully down, in to the tape sprocket hole.

Actually using a sprocket hole for determining the optimal center position is probably the best way of doing it, like you say. I don't remember if it is the FW or openPnP that is hindering a move once the drag pin gets stuck, but I guess it is not in the fw, so I suppose that is a way forward. Perhaps even by manually jogging (carefully)? Maybe that could be a first step - to be able to manually override/ignore a stuck drag pin, and to allow small (0.01/0.1) jogs.

Anyway, at some point I will have to do this again, I know that... :-o


mark maker

May 25, 2023, 5:42:38 AM5/25/23

> I don't remember if it is the FW or openPnP that is hindering a move once the drag pin gets stuck, but I guess it is not in the fw, so I suppose that is a way forward. Perhaps even by manually jogging (carefully)? Maybe that could be a first step - to be able to manually override/ignore a stuck drag pin, and to allow small (0.01/0.1) jogs.

I don't understand what exactly you want to say, sorry.

But AFAIK nothing is in the firmware (it is a Smoothieware port), instead the drag interlock is done in OpenPnP using Actuator Axis Interlock. I don't know how exactly it is modeled in the CHMT machines, but this is the Wiki example config:

Drag Pin Confirm

And as you see at the bottom of the screenshot, you can set a speed range, where the confirmation is needed. With a speed outside that range, motion is still admissible.

So if you were asking about how to do such a calibration manually (?), just pull down the Speed % slider on the Machine Controls to ~20%, for instance.

But when I described the calibration process in my email, I was thinking about a possible/future automatic calibration, similar to the "confetti" test.



May 25, 2023, 7:40:07 AM5/25/23
to OpenPnP
No worries, I don't really know how this part of the system is operating internally, so I probably explains it badly.

But as you probably know, once the drag pin gets stuck down in a sprocket hole, you (well, this is how I do it, anyway) have to push the head (which is very tough bc the steppers are powered, so only a little bit of flex can be achieved, but most of the time enough for it to release from the tape), or you have to try to move the tape, which is also not always simple, (because the head makes it hard to come by) (and of course the tape can also only flex so much sideways).
And since there will be a lot of sticking if a real sprocket hole where to be used for calibrating the drag pin coordinates, it needs to be possible to move the tool head even if the drag pin is stuck.

Even in some circumstances during normal run, it would be useful to jog the head to get some knowledge about how much to retract the drag pin from its resulting move position. I can give an example; I have a 22u 0603 in thick paper tape. The paper tape is rather "springy" so the bend on its way out/down from the machine makes it push the tape back (towards the spool), so I cannot use the normal retract, but have to increase it to (otoh) to about 0.3mm. If that could be "jogged back" at a fail, then you have a better knowledge on how much extra retract to add. (Rather than pushing the head to free the pin, and then guess how much to add).

Using/changing the Axis interlock is not anything I have considered, but I guess, maybe it can be used during a calibration. It is really only a boolean ("up or not") (optical sensor that the pin is all the way up) on these machines. Sounds a bit scary though... :-)

Of course, an fully/half-fully automatic test would be so much better in just about any way. I suppose the real good thing is that you a) get it into the I&S, and b) you deal with the calibration and testing in the same sequence, rather than occasional errors when setting up the drag feeders later on.

 - Micael

mark maker

May 25, 2023, 8:10:37 AM5/25/23

> But as you probably know, once the drag pin gets stuck down in a sprocket hole...

No, I don't have any practical experience myself. I only made the Interlock according to the various requests of users. Drag pin was just one of many applications. And in the end they said it was working (Nélio Oliveira). Unfortunately, his video is no longer available:

> And since there will be a lot of sticking if a real sprocket hole where to be used for calibrating the drag pin coordinates...


As far as I understand (or as I intended it), the interlock is only active, if the pin did not obey the command to pull back. As long as the actuator to extend the pin is true, there is no interlock and you can jog as you like.

And If you are using the PushPullFeeder, I assume you will add a small move back towards the center of the sprocket hole, before retracting the pin, so it relieves the tension, and should not be stuck.

The same would of course be done in the calibration routine.

> ... it needs to be possible to move the tool head even if the drag pin is stuck.

In case it is still stuck: Have you read what I wrote about the Speed %? How is it configured now? Does this currently work? Or not?



May 25, 2023, 8:51:12 AM5/25/23
Hi Mark/Micael!
I'm sorry to intercept your discussions about the drag pin, but I would
like to put my five cents in:
- I'm using the axis interlock feature and its part of my example
machine.xml. To me this is really useful as it already as prevented a
few situations where I otherwise would have damaged the pin.
- Just to recap: the axis interlock feature works the way that the drag
pin feedback has to report that the pin is in its up position before the
machine moves on. This is/shall be validated only when the drag pin is
switched off/retracted. (I'm not sure about the last statement. IIRC
I've seen more then the expected amount of entries in the log. I'll have
to check that again.) However, one can comment any movement while the
pin is down (I've personal experience with that as well...).
- The position calibration can probable not be automated due to the play
and different Z levels. The position has to be configured at feeder Z
while the pin can either be retracted (Z > Z_feeder) or extended (Z <
Z_feeder). I configured the cores location using some putty at PCB-Z and
the fine location using "acoustic feedback": if the position is good,
the pin sounds more metallic when going down into a tape hole. If the
location is bad, its sound is damped by the tap.
- The distance required to go back to safely retract the drag pin can be
configured/measured using tape holes: if the distance is good, the pin
will exactly hit the next hole on the next feed operation. Please keep
in mind, that this distance is tape and speed (acceleration?) dependent.
(I use 0.2..0.4mm)
- I once had transparent plastic tape where the tape holes where moving
in Y. Every 20..50 parts I had to slightly adjust the tape holes Y
location by ~0.3mm for correct drag operation. So there might be drag
pin issues, that can not be prevented by careful calibration. However,
the axis interlock feature is very helpful in this situations and thanks
to the forgiving job processor one can make any modification to the
feeder and safely resume the job.

> /> I don't remember if it is the FW or openPnP that is hindering a
> move once the drag pin gets stuck, but I guess it is not in the fw,
> so I suppose that is a way forward. Perhaps even by manually jogging
> (carefully)? Maybe that could be a first step - to be able to
> manually override/ignore a stuck drag pin, and to allow small
> (0.01/0.1) jogs./
> I don't understand what exactly you want to say, sorry.
> But AFAIK nothing is in the firmware (it is a Smoothieware port),
> instead the drag interlock is done in OpenPnP using Actuator Axis
> Interlock. I don't know how exactly it is modeled in the CHMT
> machines, but this is the Wiki example config:
> <>
> Drag Pin Confirm
> And as you see at the bottom of the screenshot, you can set a *speed
> range*, where the confirmation is needed. With a speed outside that
> range, motion is still admissible.
> So if you were asking about how to do such a calibration manually
> (?), just pull down the*Speed %* slider on the *Machine Controls* to
> ~20%, for instance.
> But when I described the calibration process in my email, I was
> thinking about a /possible///future/ automatic calibration, similar
> to the "confetti" test.
> _Mark
> On 5/25/23 11:05, vespaman wrote:
>> >>I see, that's why, when I proposed this, I wrote: /"assuming you
>> can adjust the camera focus easily." 😁/
>> Yep, I understood that, I just wanted to explain that I am not
>> against changing focus of the camera as such, just that the
>> implications are big.. :-)
>> Regarding the solenoid/dragpin;
>> I think first of all, there's the mounting angle error of the
>> solenoid, and also the actual mounting position (it is held in
>> place by two screws, there's some play here, of course, before
>> they are tightened).
>> Then, we have the runtime play. However, once the dragpin is down,
>> it is pretty solid, since the magnetic strength is high, so no
>> rattling (but this may be individually different). I am not sure
>> if the play while going down is relevant in actual operation,
>> since if it is, the somewhat pointy dragpin should then anyway
>> steer the plunger into the sprocket hole (which I think you are
>> also saying). But when /calibrating/, using the carbon copy
>> method, any play will/could add to the error. The play should also
>> become less and less, as the plunger enters fully the coil. (But
>> if I pull down the drag pin by hand, I can still feel a noticeable
>> play - like you say, it is not a precision thing, exactly :-) )
>> In my case I had to adjust the drag pin coordinates in Y direction
>> in two iterations from the initial carbon copy solution, IIRC,
>> since it was stuck once fully down, in to the tape sprocket hole.
>> Actually using a sprocket hole for determining the optimal center
>> position is probably the best way of doing it, like you say. I
>> don't remember if it is the FW or openPnP that is hindering a move
>> once the drag pin gets stuck, but I guess it is not in the fw, so
>> I suppose that is a way forward. Perhaps even by manually jogging
>> (carefully)? Maybe that could be a first step - to be able to
>> manually override/ignore a stuck drag pin, and to allow small
>> (0.01/0.1) jogs.
>> Anyway, at some point I will have to do this again, I know that... :-o
>> Cheers,
>>  Micael
>> torsdag 25 maj 2023 kl. 10:22:01 UTC+2 skrev
>> /> But anyway, the down camera on the chmt's are impossible to
>> work gently with/
>> I see, that's why, when I proposed this, I wrote: /"assuming
>> you can adjust the camera focus easily." 😁/
>> /> the drag pin adjustment will go out the window/
>> You're absolutely right, I was not thinking of that.
>> I'm not sure the pin can be accurately calibrated like that.
>> Maybe my impression is wrong, but I always thought these
>> solenoids are quite crude, they are not really engineered for
>> this purpose. I expect them to have quite a large play when
>> extended, right?
>> Have you ever rattled it around when extended? When you jog to
>> the bottom camera from the right and extend, and jog from the
>> left and extend, does it appear at the same position?
>> But the play does not really matter, because I expect the pin
>> is thin and the sprocket hole is large, so inserting it is not
>> a problem if you aim for the center. They only expose their
>> /repeatable /positional property, when actually under load,
>> i.e. when the pin is wedged against its shaft, so the whole
>> thing is mechanically defined for the first time.
>> Exaggerated illustration (some of that could also be flex):
>>> Screenshot_20230525_080344.png
>>> Screenshot_20230525_080419.png
>>> I think I will change my down camera at some point, because
>>> it is just about doing its job, there are better solutions
>>> out there.
>>>  - Micael
>>> onsdag 24 maj 2023 kl. 15:17:08 UTC+2 skrev
>>> /> Changing the focus on the down looking cam means
>>> basically redo the hole machine calibration on these
>>> machines, (drag pin/feeders etc)/
>>> /Theoretically/, it should not matter. Just carefully
>>> adjusting the focus a bit should not change the camera
>>> axis. I agree, in practice, the danger of somehow
>>> shifting the lens is there, but, even a shifted camera
>>> lens should cancel itself out through:
>>> Camera shifted -> Visual Homing compensates for camera ->
>>> Camera to Nozzle offsets calibration compensates for nozzles.
>>> So in the end, everything should remain the same,
>>> /effectively/.
>>> The only caveat is that this all is only strictly true
>>> for that /common/ PCB surface Z level, where everything
>>> was calibrated before the change. If you have large
>>> camera and/or nozzle tilt, it does slightly change on
>>> different Z levels. Again, I don't think it will in
>>> practice matter for the few mm you are talking about.
>>> _Mark
>>>> OK, again, thanks for acknowledging!
>>>> Agree on focus on PCB, but..
>>>> Changing the focus on the down looking cam means
>>>> basically redo the hole machine calibration on these
>>>> machines, (drag pin/feeders etc) which is not something
>>>> I have the time to do now. (and in fact, I feel slightly
>>>> sick, thinking about it :) ). Hopefully, the fiducial
>>>> lock-ins will work just as fine. At some point, I want a
>>>> better down looking camera, than the one I have, further
>>>> away, and with longer focus depth.
>>>>  - Micael
>>>> onsdag 24 maj 2023 kl. 14:43:52 UTC+2 skrev
>>>> /> Would that be these seven marked i&s?/
>>>> Yes.
>>>> /> This is all saved in machine.xml, right? So if
>>>> things takes a turn to the worse (can't see why, but
>>>> better safe than sorry), I can just restore the
>>>> currently working machine.xml./
>>>> Affirmative.
>>>> /> The worrying thing I can think of, is that the
>>>> feeders will now not be on the same level, which
>>>> might make the vision system struggle more, but
>>>> perhaps this is not an issue./
>>>> The problem is not vision, especially if you redo
>>>> the Advanced Camera Calibration too, which handles
>>>> camera Z tilt.
>>>> The problem is nozzle tilt, when the feeders are at
>>>> different Z height (i.e. the confetti test, which
>>>> measures camera <-> nozzle offsets was done at a
>>>> different Z). But for a few mm I don't think it will
>>>> be critical, tilt is usually low on this commercial
>>>> machines (this is more of a reminder for other
>>>> users, not to make any feeders that are
>>>> /centimeters/ above/below PCB level).
>>>> /> //Esp if I leave focus plane of down looking
>>>> camera where it is? (The new board Z only makes a
>>>> very minor de-focus I can't see this will make any
>>>> issues with the fiducials etc)./
>>>> As long as all the calibrations are made, this does
>>>> not matter much, focus is not that important, tilt
>>>> and Z dependent scale a.k.a. 3D Units per Pixel are.
>>>> Personally, I would always go for the PCB focal
>>>> level for the down-looking camera, assuming you can
>>>> adjust the camera focus easily. Fiducials on the PCB
>>>> are really important. The feeder vision is not that
>>>> critical, any errors there will be compensated by
>>>> bottom vision, and bottom vision in turn has
>>>> compensation for nozzle tilt, assuming you use
>>>> nozzle tip calibration too:
>>>> Z axes parallax
>>>> <>
>>>> _Mark
>>>> On 5/24/23 13:34, vespaman wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Mark!
>>>>> >>For the OpenPnP *software* side, this should be
>>>>> fine, as long as you redo Issues & Solutions
>>>>> primary & secondary fiducial calibration and nozzle
>>>>> <-> camera offsets calibration (confetti), with
>>>>> *the >>primary fiducial on the new lower PCB
>>>>> surface.* This will calibrate out any slight nozzle
>>>>> tilt you might have.
>>>>> Would that be these seven marked i&s?
>>>>> Can't say for the *hardware* side (nozzle
>>>>> travel etc.).
>>>>> For the OpenPnP *software* side, this should be
>>>>> fine, as long as you redo Issues & Solutions
>>>>> primary & secondary fiducial calibration and
>>>>> nozzle <-> camera offsets calibration
>>>>> (confetti), with *the primary fiducial on the
>>>>> new lower PCB surface.* This will calibrate out
>>>>> any slight nozzle tilt you might have.
>>>>> If I were you, and if it is technically
>>>>> possible, I would also try to adjust the bottom
>>>>> camera focal plane to match the new PCB surface
>>>>> Z, especially if the bottom camera has a wide
>>>>> angle lens. Then redo the bottom camera
>>>>> calibration(s) too.
>>>>> When I say "camera calibration" I mean both the
>>>>> preliminary /and/ advanced calibration (the
>>>>>> <>.
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May 25, 2023, 9:27:16 AM5/25/23
to OpenPnP
Hi Mark,


>> But as you probably know, once the drag pin gets stuck down in a sprocket hole...

>No, I don't have any practical experience myself. I only made the Interlock according to the various requests of users. Drag pin was just one of many applications. And in the end they said it was working

I think that it is working. By that I mean that the machine stops once the drag pin is not returning (i.e. stuck in the tape).  Is that not how it is supposed to work?
I am using Jan's config (perhaps it has changed since i adopted it).

If I got the whole interlock feature wrong, you can disregard this the following. :-)

>> And since there will be a lot of sticking if a real sprocket hole where to be used for calibrating the drag pin coordinates...


Well, I thought that the idea was to drag something in different directions, and release the drag pin? If you release it and it is touching the tape too much, it will stick down, and the software will have to move around (preferably back from the direction it came) until it is freed again, disregarding interlock. But maybe you had another idea on how to do the automatic calibration? With vision? Still you need to "un-stick" the drag pin.

>As far as I understand (or as I intended it), the interlock is only active, if the pin did not obey the command to pull back.

Exactly. But if it gets stuck, it cant move back, so... The pin is only pulled back with a weak spring, so if there's any kind of tension it till not move back. So interlock is dealing with this under normal runs, and stops the job (=Good). But now, once it has stuck the operator can't move the head, other than manually pushing it or the tape so the pin gets free, and interlock "released". You can't manually jog out of this situation?

>And If you are using the PushPullFeeder, I assume you will add a small move back towards the center of the sprocket hole, before retracting the pin, so it relieves the tension, and should not be stuck.
Yes, but this is what I tried to explain with the example given; sometimes you need to adjust it during a job, because of e.g. the springy paper tape - give more retraction, than you would need or a thinner tape.

- Micael


May 25, 2023, 9:36:27 AM5/25/23
to OpenPnP
Hi Jan!

>- I'm using the axis interlock feature and its part of my example
>machine.xml. To me this is really useful as it already as prevented a
>few situations where I otherwise would have damaged the pin.

OMG, totally agree. Without it, (I am using your config) it would be a disaster!

>- The position calibration can probable not be automated due to the play
>and different Z levels. The position has to be configured at feeder Z

I am not sure I agree with this. But I think that PCB Z should not be part of any automatic solution, it has to be allowed to travel down its entire way.
Just pulling an object around like Mark suggested, should give the result in IMHO. Maybe with vision, but always include the actual pin up/down status.

>- The distance required to go back to safely retract the drag pin can be
>configured/measured using tape holes: if the distance is good, the pin
>will exactly hit the next hole on the next feed operation. Please keep
>in mind, that this distance is tape and speed (acceleration?) dependent.
>(I use 0.2..0.4mm)
I use 0.8 normally, and up to 0.3 perhaps 0.4 for some obnoxious tapes.

>the axis interlock feature is very helpful in this situations and thanks
>to the forgiving job processor one can make any modification to the
>feeder and safely resume the job.

Yes! Agree.

- Micael

mark maker

May 25, 2023, 9:38:42 AM5/25/23

You best send the machine.xml, then I can check the interlock config.

But ... (this seems stuck under the carpet) ... what about the Speed % ? Have you ever tried?

You do understand what the idea is, right? To quote from the Wiki:

"The example interlock makes an exception for very slow movement. This might be useful in order to try and gently de-block a stuck pin."



May 25, 2023, 10:27:55 AM5/25/23
to OpenPnP

No, I had no idea. I thought the speed was related to drag pins (etc) that where driven by steppers.
I don't have this in my machine setup, maybe Jan added it later, or, if it is really speed, maybe opted out.
I am not sure I would trust myself with this, since I fear that the crash will anyway destroy the drag pin even if it is in ultra rapid. (the distance will not be large enough to have time to press the emergency stop, even if it is at 5% or so).

Maybe when I get more used to operating the machine. I have still issues with nozzle crashes when the nozzle is in the up cam pit with a failed component detection. But I haven't actually destroyed a nozzle for over a month now, so maybe this is now etched into my brain not to jog from camera view, and I am soon ready for the next step! :-) :-)

So:- just to understand; if it is set to 5%-100% the interlock is disabled if the jog speed is pulled below 5%?

 - Micael


Aug 21, 2023, 1:09:20 AM8/21/23
to OpenPnP
Just to wrap this thread up; I did run a couple of panels a few weeks ago, with the lower board Z, and thus gaining a millimeter or two without any issues (after re-running the I&S suggested by Mark).
I did not change any of the cameras due to the "normal" time issue :-) , but it worked flawlessly, and now I can populate my previously too high components.

So if anyone with a chmt 36 or 48 needs just a little bit more clearance I can recommend this as a quick fix. I ended up printing support for the board, and only one of the support are actually using the machined slot that the previous owner of this machine did. So there's actually no need to machine anything if you have a 3d printer at hand.

The only thing I am not sure about, is if my Z-travel has been tweaked or if it is still standard, so check how far down your nozzle can go - that is the limiting factor for how far down you can move the board Z.
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