Unable To Connect/Enable Machine Com Error Timeout

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Apr 19, 2024, 9:48:49 AMApr 19
to OpenPnP
Hi everyone.  I am looking to build a PNP machine as a hobby project, no need for production/high speed right now, just assembling and learning something new.  

I am completely stuck trying to do even the most basic tests/configuration.  I cannot get the software to communicate with my driver board[s] whatsoever.  

At some point over the past few days, I did get it to enable and simulate jog movements, but it still wouldn't "detect firmware".  

It's a mixture of a gigantic list of Java errors, timeouts waiting for response to G21, or Error reading from the controller. 

I KNOW!  Everyone is going to say don't use grbl.  Got it.  I'll buy a smoothie board or something later.  But grbl is supported in the documentation so I want to just poke around with what I have already.  

I've tried several different forks of grbl intended for OpenPNP.  I understand there is something about the semi-colon that can cause issues, and I see it in the error messages, so I have a hunch it's something related to the semicolon. 

I have tried on two ESP32 boards, an Arduino Uno, and an Arduino Nano.  

Every board will connect and jog motors using Lightburn or UGS, but not in OpenPNP.

I've seen the same question asked before and even the same Java error page, but no one had a solution I found, some posts remained unanswered at all.  

I have an abundance of screenshots, labelled.  

There is something fundamental that I am missing it really feels like.  

I stepped through Issues and Solutions using the "assume generic g-code controller" option and set all of the recommended g-code lines in I/S.

I can provide logs, let me know what setting is best.  I've got it on "trace" right now, IDK what gives the best results that would be helpful.

Jason von Nieda

Apr 22, 2024, 1:51:38 PMApr 22
to OpenPnP
I'm seeing a lot of "Port failed to open" errors in there. Do you know what is causing that? Is it possible you have another program with the port open when OpenPnP is trying to connect?

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  • Com13G21UnoBoard.png
  • ESP32ConnectedLightburn.png
  • ErrorG21Com5ESP32USBC.png
  • ErrorIOCom5NanoV3.png
  • HoldingCommsOpen.png
  • ErrorG21Com5NanoV3.png
  • ErrorG21Com14ESP32Micro.png
  • ReleaseFromOpenPNP.png
  • ESP32MicroConnectLightburnWarnings.png


Apr 23, 2024, 2:20:23 AMApr 23
to OpenPnP
Thank you for your help.  I did eventually resolve it and tried to post an update but ended up just emailing myself.  
New to Google Groups.

I had success by going with a completely stock version of GRBL and turning flow control to off.  

I think it's communicating with both controllers now, however it's not splitting the axes to the correct gcodedriver.  I have read that the core axes must all be on the same driver, but also that was in 2017 and it was updated to allow any configuration at all.  Further, there was a former need to create a subdriver, but as of 2.0, one can make a regular driver.  

I'm stuck on this part right now and decided to jump on designing the board for my upcoming project while I percolate. 

If you or anyone can advise on that, would appreciate it.  I'll try to collect my thoughts and references and make a new topic in due time.  

This can be "closed" or "solved".

mark maker

Apr 23, 2024, 4:02:33 AMApr 23
to ope...@googlegroups.com

Stock Grbl does not support the M115 command, but some users made a special GRBL (GrblHl?) that  supports the commands needed by OpenPnP. Please search the user group.

Even if you proceed with stock Grbl, please continue using Issues & Solutions. You can do that by selecting a Generic G-code driver.

Connect Firmware


You can use as many drivers as you want and distribute axes as you like. There is a mild performance impact when it needs to coordinate multiple drivers, so it is best to try and separate those axes that selom move together, the Z axes come to mind. 

Axes can be mapped to drivers using the (surprise) Driver dropdown:




Apr 23, 2024, 4:21:58 AMApr 23
to 'mark maker' via OpenPnP
Vom: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 10:02:26 +0200

> Stock Grbl does not support the M115 command, but some users made a
> special GRBL (GrblHl?) that  supports the commands needed by OpenPnP.
> Please search the user group.

Just adding that it's GrblHAL [1] which has a OpenPNP plugin [2].
I'm using a Raspberry Pico [3] but it supports multiple platforms (and porting should be straight forward for it's modular HAL design).
Currently I'm in the process to get it to run and will hopefully finish a PR to make the setup easier/more "automagic" [4].

[1] https://github.com/grblHAL
[2] https://github.com/grblHAL/Plugin_OpenPNP
[3] https://github.com/grblHAL/RP2040
[4] https://github.com/openpnp/openpnp/pull/1618/


> Even if you proceed with stock Grbl, please continue using Issues &
> Solutions. You can do that by selecting a Generic G-code driver.
> Connect Firmware
> https://github.com/openpnp/openpnp/wiki/Issues-and-Solutions#connect-milestone
> You can use as many drivers as you want and distribute axes as you like.
> There is a mild performance impact when it needs to coordinate multiple
> drivers, so it is best to try and separate those axes that selom move
> together, the Z axes come to mind.
> Axes can be mapped to drivers using the (surprise) *Driver* dropdown:
> >> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/openpnp/7c9bc89e-81b3-49b9-ab3f-fadc8ee47bb6n%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>.
> >>
> >> *Attachments:*
> >>
> >> * Com13G21UnoBoard.png
> >> * ESP32ConnectedLightburn.png
> >> * ErrorG21Com5ESP32USBC.png
> >> * ErrorIOCom5NanoV3.png
> >> * HoldingCommsOpen.png
> >> * ErrorG21Com5NanoV3.png
> >> * ErrorG21Com14ESP32Micro.png
> >> * ReleaseFromOpenPNP.png
> >> * ESP32MicroConnectLightburnWarnings.png
> >>
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "OpenPnP" group.
> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> > an email to openpnp+u...@googlegroups.com.
> > To view this discussion on the web visit
> > https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/openpnp/d6af72f3-4300-4840-8ec5-d0be074b7ebcn%40googlegroups.com
> > <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/openpnp/d6af72f3-4300-4840-8ec5-d0be074b7ebcn%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "OpenPnP" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to openpnp+u...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/openpnp/b5b1efe4-7e6b-4241-b768-8afb0cb0de7b%40makr.zone.

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