upgrade from 17.2.15 to 18.0.0

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Piotr Sz

Sep 28, 2023, 1:44:17 AM9/28/23
to OpenOlat
one of openolats i'm upgrading from version 17.0.2 has problem with upgrading to version 18.0 0
webapp compiles and run, everything seems ok but when entering some of the tests i got error I351-J

in olat.log there is an error with round function in select query 

[http-nio-8088-exec-9] ERROR  OLATRuntimeException ^%^ I351-J391 ^%^ org.olat.core.logging.OLATRuntimeException ^%^ 31621325 ^%^ IP ^%^ http://MYIP:8088/auth/RepositoryEntry/19038309/CourseNode/100182100276189 ^%^ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 ^%^ **RedScreen** JDBC exception executing SQL [select round(a1_0.a_score, 0),count(a1_0.id) from o_as_entry a1_0 where a1_0.a_score is not null and a1_0.fk_entry=? and a1_0.fk_reference_entry=? and a1_0.a_subident=? and (a1_0.a_obligation is null or a1_0.a_obligation in (?,?,?,?)) and (a1_0.fk_identity in(select distinct g1_0.fk_identity_id from o_re_to_group r3_0,o_bs_group_member g1_0,o_bs_group_member g2_0 where r3_0.fk_entry_id=? and r3_0.fk_group_id=g2_0.fk_group_id and g2_0.g_role='coach' and g2_0.fk_identity_id=? and r3_0.fk_group_id=g1_0.fk_group_id and g1_0.g_role='participant') or a1_0.fk_identity in(select distinct g6_0.fk_identity_id from o_re_to_group r4_0,o_bs_group_member g6_0 where r4_0.fk_entry_id=? and r4_0.fk_group_id=g6_0.fk_group_id and g6_0.g_role='participant')) group by round(a1_0.a_score, 0)] [ERROR: function round(double precision, integer) does not exist
  Wskazowka: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

from what i have read, this is no a existing function problem, but a parameter it gets (number is to big)

what can i do in this situation ? 
i could change that select query if i'd know where it is 

Please, OpenOLAT Community, anyone has any idea how to fix it ? 

Urs Hensler

Sep 28, 2023, 2:29:26 AM9/28/23
to 'Florian Gnaegi' via OpenOlat
Hi Piotr

What kind of database are you using? Oracle?

Kind regards,

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Piotr Sz

Sep 28, 2023, 2:47:27 AM9/28/23
to OpenOlat
Hi Urs, 

its postgres 15 

Urs Hensler

Sep 28, 2023, 3:55:48 AM9/28/23
to open...@googlegroups.com
Hi Piotr

We do not have tested OpenOlat with Postgres 15 but only with Postgres 14. 🤔 However, we suspect that one instance runs successfully with Postgres 15.

Did you only upgrade OpenOlat or did you change the database version as well?

I do not think the number is too big. The number has the same value as before the upgrade, doesn't it? But you can check the highest rounded number.
select max(a_score) from o_as_entry;

Can you check which round methods are present in your postgres?
\df round

The select query is generated by this code:

Kind regards,

Piotr Sz

Sep 28, 2023, 6:00:41 AM9/28/23
to OpenOlat
oh,i though its necessary to upgrade Postgres as well as other deamons 

my original system is openolat 17.0.2 on tomcat 9, java 11 and postgres 14 
im upgrading OpenOLATs till version 17.1.8, then i switch to tomcat10,java17 and postgres 15 on OO version 17.2.0 till a newest one 

thanks for a tip, im gonna trying upgrading olat's leaving postgres on 14 

with big i meant its bigint data type in database, and i guess it cannot be rounded , like in my error - SELECT ROUND(SOMETHING, 0)
here's a screen 

_Zrzut ekranu 2023-09-28 114939.png

i had 3 other OpenOLATs upgraded (one very huge) and they are working great as 18.0.5, with  tomcat 10 and postgres 15, but that one stubborn

thanks for trying to help me 

Piotr Sz

Sep 29, 2023, 1:39:14 AM9/29/23
to OpenOlat
unfortunately, leaving postgres 14 didnt fix it. 
Everything is ok, until switching from version 17.2.15 to 18.0.0, some tests are throwing errors as below. 

[http-nio-8088-exec-3] WARN   SqlExceptionHelper ^%^ I727-J484 ^%^ org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper ^%^ 31621325 ^%^ IP ^%^ http://IP:8088/auth/RepositoryEntry/31391771/CourseNode/107448309768575 ^%^ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0 ^%^ SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 42883
[http-nio-8088-exec-3] ERROR  SqlExceptionHelper ^%^ I727-J485 ^%^ org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper ^%^ 31621325 ^%^ IP ^%^ http://IP:8088/auth/RepositoryEntry/31391771/CourseNode/107448309768575 ^%^ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0 ^%^ ERROR: function round(double precision, integer) does not exist

  Wskazowka: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
  Pozycja: 8
2023-09-29 01:16:42.349 [http-nio-8088-exec-3] WARN   ExceptionWindowController ^%^ I727-J486 ^%^ org.olat.core.gui.exception.ExceptionWindowController ^%^ 31621325 ^%^ IP ^%^ http://IP:8088/auth/RepositoryEntry/31391771/CourseNode/107448309768575 ^%^ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0 ^%^ ExceptionWindowController<init>: Throwable occurred, logging the full stacktrace: org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: JDBC exception executing SQL [select round(a1_0.a_score, 0),count(a1_0.id) from o_as_entry a1_0 where a1_0.a_score is not null and a1_0.fk_entry=? and a1_0.fk_reference_entry=? and a1_0.a_subident=? and (a1_0.a_obligation is null or a1_0.a_obligation in (?,?,?,?)) and (a1_0.fk_identity in(select distinct g1_0.fk_identity_id from o_re_to_group r3_0,o_bs_group_member g1_0,o_bs_group_member g2_0 where r3_0.fk_entry_id=? and r3_0.fk_group_id=g2_0.fk_group_id and g2_0.g_role='coach' and g2_0.fk_identity_id=? and r3_0.fk_group_id=g1_0.fk_group_id and g1_0.g_role='participant') or a1_0.fk_identity in(select distinct g6_0.fk_identity_id from o_re_to_group r4_0,o_bs_group_member g6_0 where r4_0.fk_entry_id=? and r4_0.fk_group_id=g6_0.fk_group_id and g6_0.g_role='participant')) group by round(a1_0.a_score, 0)] [ERROR: function round(double precision, integer) does not exist   Wskazowka: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts

what can i do to fix it ? is my only solution to compile OO again with modified select query, im sure it will create many other problems.
Meybe some database modifications ? i can see that a_score in o_as_entry table has double precision data type, makes me confusing 

im lost of ideas 

Urs Hensler

Sep 29, 2023, 2:03:07 AM9/29/23
to 'Florian Gnaegi' via OpenOlat
Hoi Piotr

If your other OpenOlat are running fine with 18.0.x and Postgres 15, the problem can't be the Postgres version. I’m a bit late, you have also found that as well...

Maybe it is actually because the database field has the wrong datatype. Usually a_score in o_as_entry has datatype numeric not double precision. What’s the datatype in the database of your other OpenOlats?

Kind regards

Piotr Sz

Sep 29, 2023, 5:32:43 AM9/29/23
to OpenOlat
Urs, that was it! 
datatype in a_score on crashing OO was double precision , on other Olats numeric 
i changed it to numeric ale it started working on the spot , Yeah! 

<champagne opening > 

Many thanks Urs for directing me to problem, i owe you one! :) 

Urs Hensler

Sep 29, 2023, 6:50:42 AM9/29/23
to 'Florian Gnaegi' via OpenOlat
You are welcome.

Have a nice weekend,

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