Deeply interested in original design

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Tom Kabosos

May 11, 2015, 2:58:33 PM5/11/15
Let me start by congratulating you on your design, persistence, and THP placing. I've been searching for a tiny camera that can be used as a remote video camera capable of applying object detection, motion detection and color detection. Your project nailed everything i's small,open source and scriptable. i was going through the generations from omv1 to omv3 and have read everything and anything about your design on HAD bot-thought kickstarter tindie and several other sites. I have a few questions that i cant seem to find answers to that i would really appreciate.
i)Is there any way to use the original style camera sensor? im not refering to the ov9650 but the style of sensor since the ov2640 also comes in a package like ov9640. Board/part thickness is really important to me. your original openmv 1 board was a godsend to me.not only LxW but also thickness too. added to it was a tiny cmos camera had me jumping for joy. after switching to the ov2640 camera that was board mounted requiring  a lens mount i was devastated. the project got a lot thicker. ive recently found a few "low profile lens mount" so its not necessarily a deal breaker but if there was anyway to use the non-m12 ov2640 i would be ecstatic.
ii)a)the original openmv1 had a wifi shield based on the cc3300. does the mv3 have this ability? what was the throughput on the wifi shield? is it possible to stream 15...@1.3mp?i saw the youtube video but couldn't pick out quality of transmission.any other wifi shield you think might be faster if price wasn't too big of an issue?
 b)you commented on the addition of a feature to update the camera or program it over wifi?did i get that right? would i be able to remotely define a blob or color and have openmv track/process it? possibly record on the sd-card the captured material?
iii) in openmv1 i imagine the ability to capture video to the sdcard wasn't as good as openmv3 using sdio but can you explain roughly what the throughput was? what was the highest resolution you were able to capture at least 15fps? on both boards?

my main goal was to use your board as small as i can possibly get it to monitor a specific area in a room. when someone walked in, it would track them to see their actions.more precisely their hands at a specific location. if they did a specific action or had a specific item it would capture the video in as high resolution as possible and send it wirelessly to my central computer/wifi router/cell phone/etc etc and then store it to sdcard at max resolution possible. After that it would run a script doing what ever else i needed it to do (activate things like the tv or open windows or trigger alarm etc etc) . aside from the obvious home automation/security applications and robotics applications that sprung to my mind i seem to find limitless potential for you openmv board. Does the above scenario sound feasible? Wirelessly on battery power?
aside from using your eagle schematics to personally manufacture your board which i am willing to do if there's no other option, is there anywhere i can buy these now? like 3-6 of them asap? thank you for reading this, sorry for the longwinded message and congratulations on designing something that is amazing with limitless potential.
tommy k

Ibrahim Abdelkader

May 12, 2015, 1:12:27 PM5/12/15
No, sorry there's no way to use single-package sensors with the KS camera, the sensor is soldered directly to the board.

I stopped using CC3000 it has lots of issues and it's now obsolete, couldn't find an alternative in time for the KS, the throughput was good though, I was streaming at least 20FPS @QVGA it all depends on the JPEG quality.

Programming/controlling the camera over the air shouldn't be an issue, but I don't have a working WiFi module right now, will look into that in the future.

As for recording I can't remember any specific numbers using SPI, but SDIO is definitely faster it's 4 bits and running at a higher frequency.
I'm not sure if your use case is doable, right now there's nothing in the image library that can do that, you may need to code something from scratch. I did run the cam+wifi on 3.7 lipo battery though.

The small cam is not manufactured by anyway, not that I know of, the good news is I'm still supporting it, the firmware can be built for the small cam it just doesn't build by default.
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