Publication: OMOD: An open-source tool for creating disaggregated mobility demand based on OpenStreetMap

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Leo Strobel

Sep 18, 2023, 6:22:15 AM9/18/23

Dear open transport modelers,


I am excited to share with you our new publication in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems:


The paper presents our new open-source model OMOD. The model is designed to create synthetic fully disaggregated mobility demand for any city-sized region in Germany.

The model outputs (as a JSON) when, where, and for how long agents plan to conduct activities (like home, work, or school).

We heavily utilized OpenStreetMap to determine destination choice of individual agents and calibrated the model with the MID 2017.

We put special focus on ease of use. The model does not require installation and can be used as a CLI tool or integrated into Java code.

The only inputs required from the user are OpenStreetMaps data and a definition of the area they want to investigate.


I hope you enjoy the read and if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to write me :)




Kind Regards,

Leo Strobel

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