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Amelang (2024) on role of future baseload report by German research academies

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Robbie Morrison

Dec 4, 2024, 9:31:11 AM12/4/24
to openmod list

Hello all

The Energy Systems of the Future (ESYS) project yesterday released their report on the role of future baseload generators in Europe.  Baseload is a proxy for large, capital intensive, relatively inflexible generators that require high full‑load hours to be profitable, namely: nuclear fission, natural gas, geothermal energy, and nuclear fusion.  Here is a short summary in english:

And in German:

The report itself (which are often translated into english after several months):

  • Stöcker, Philipp, Berit Erlach, Sven Wurbs, Frank-Detlef Drake, Manfred Fischedick, Jutta Hanson, Hans-Martin Henning, Wilhelm Kiewitt, Jochen Kreusel, Albert Moser, Wolfram Münch, Karen Pittel, Albrecht Reuter, Dirk Uwe Sauer, Wolf-Peter Schill, Hartmut Spliethoff, Cyril Stephanos, Christoph Weber, and Anke Weidlich (3 December 2024). Kernspaltung, Erdgas, Geothermie, Kernfusion: Welche Rolle spielen Grundlastkraftwerke in Zukunft? (Impuls) [Nuclear fission, natural gas, geothermal energy, nuclear fusion: what role will base-load power plants play in the future? (Impulse)] (in German). Germany: acatech, Leopoldina, Akademienunion. doi:10.48669/esys_2024-14.

The underlying modeling was black‑box.  For which there is also a report about to be published.

Disclosure (or should that be disclaimer), my wife Berit worked on the report just cited.

And while I am here, if you have ever wondered about n–1 security, here is an example from my homeland:

Maintenance contractors removed all the nuts holding three of the legs of a live 220kV transmission tower .. and it fell over and tripped an HVAC branch circuit supplying the far north of the country.

cheers, Robbie

Robbie Morrison
Address: Schillerstrasse 85, 10627 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49.30.612-87617
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