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Tenth birthday and related outreach

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Robbie Morrison

Aug 5, 2024, 12:04:27 PM8/5/24
to openmod list

Hello all

The openmod began in Berlin on the weekend of 18‑19 September 2014.  So Thursday 19 September 2024 will mark ten years.

Perhaps those in Berlin should settle on a venue near the Technical University of Berlin and meet for a pizza?

And if there are no objections, I will contact the Clean Energy Wire news service — also based in Berlin — and let them know that we have somehow survived a decade.  And perhaps they will run a short article?

Feel free to nominate alternative forms of celebration too!  Maybe virtual?

cheers, Robbie

PS: I was not at that original workshop and learned of the openmod some 18 months later.

Robbie Morrison
Address: Schillerstrasse 85, 10627 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49.30.612-87617

Berit Müller

Aug 5, 2024, 3:14:53 PM8/5/24
to openmod list

That’s a cool idea Robbie 😊

I’m probably not in Berlin on the 19th – so I would prefer an online meeting or a live meeting on Friday afternoon / evening.

Could we discuss it in the forum? =>

Best regards


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Robbie Morrison

Aug 5, 2024, 4:10:15 PM8/5/24

Hello Berit, all

That same forum URL still applies (see Berit's posting below) but I have moved the topic to a private sub‑category — so we can organize with a little more seclusion.  However those that are not registered for the forum will need to do so in order to read and participate.

Probably best to shift to Friday 20 September 2024 if live — as Berit suggested.

best, Robbie

PS: to avoid potential confusion, my wife is also named Berit and works with energy systems, but her last name is Erlach.

Robbie Morrison

Aug 16, 2024, 5:11:07 AM8/16/24

Hello all

Below is a copy of the material I emailed to Clean Energy Wire (CLEW) two days ago (no response as yet).  With typos fixed in 2 places.  Just for your information.

To:           "Clean Energy Wire (info)" <>
Subject:       press release: openmod community will mark ten years on 19 September 2024
Message-ID:   <>
From:          Robbie Morrison <>
Date:          Wed, 14 Aug 2024 15:22:35 +0200

Hello CLEW

The Open Energy Modelling Initiative (openmod) community will turn ten years old on 19 September 2024 — a date which is about four weeks away.  That event could be worth a couple of column-centimeters?

I write as an energy system modeler since 1995 and a volunteer contributor to the openmod for eight years.

Wikipedia EN has some background on this informal community:

The openmod was formed during a two-day scientific meeting at the DIW in Berlin on 18‑19 September 2014 with 28 researchers in attendance.  The meeting was auf Deutsch.

CLEW can find some "blog‑friendly" background material explaining the openmod here — this being a copy of our recent self‑submitted application to the 2024 RGI Grid Practice Awards:

I am the lead‑admin on our discussion forum with about 1400 carefully screened participants — most being early‑stage researchers from around the world.

Berlin was clearly ground‑zero for the broader switch to open source, open data, and open standards for policy‑oriented energy systems analysis.   So that fact is quite notable in itself, I think.

I also saw the high‑resolution national system modeling paradigm unfold and released the first open source energy system modeling framework (deeco) back in 2003, using a dedicated UNIX server provided by the Technical University of Berlin.  It took another five years for the next generation of open energy system models to emerge from Sweden, the United States, and elsewhere.

One notable aspect for the openmod is the uptake of open energy system modeling outside of the global north.  Indeed two modeling projects (OSeMOSYS and PyPSA) now offer starter‑kits for the entire planet.  And a number of teams have projects in the global south.  The open science dimension is hugely important for the global south where resources and support are more limited.  The openmod community also provides informal assistance and encouragement in this context.

The use of open science methods — which the openmod community promoted from the outset — also fosters analytical transparency, a much‑needed commodity in today's world.

I have checked with my community, via our mailing list, one week back and there were no objections to me contacting CLEW — so I think I am entitled to speak to the press about this particular milestone.

If you would like to meet in person, I live in Charlottenburg and should be able to find my way to Kreuzberg. 🙂

with best wishes, Robbie

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Robbie Morrison

Aug 22, 2024, 9:13:44 AM8/22/24

Hello all

Berit is collecting names on this private posting:

You will need to be registered with the openmod forum to both view and edit that posting.

Please add your name if you would like a place reserved for you at the Schleusenkrug, Berlin on Friday 20 September 2024.

with best wishes, Robbie

Robbie Morrison

Sep 15, 2024, 3:39:19 PM9/15/24

Hello all

For those in Berlin, some photographs of the Schleusenkrug beer garden to entice you to come along on Friday 20 September 2024 around 18:00 CEST (this email in case you do not have your forum notifications switched on):

If you are thinking of attending, could you give some indication?  Either edit for forum or let me know off‑list.  The weather is supposed to be great on Friday too.  TIA!

with best wishes, Robbie

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