Hey fellow open transport modelers,
I want to invite you to next year’s Electric Vehicles Conference (EVC) that is being organized by the DLR-Institute for Networked Energy Systems in Stuttgart, May 15-16. The submission deadline has been extended to Dec, 15th.
I really enjoyed an informal spontaneous workshop on the sidelines of IRENAS International Energy Workshop this summer in Bonn with Adeline, Francesco and Jarush, deep-diving into charging flexibility modeling. Without being able to promise that I will attend in Stuttgart, this may be an opportunity for this little community to meet again and discuss current topics of EV (or more generally transport) modeling for energy system analysis.
With Marlin Arnz’ paper on energy system implications of avoid, shift and improve strategies, Jarushs paper on fleet flexibility modeling aggregation, Francescos work on V2G modeling across European countries in CALLIOPE and Adelines work on shared mobility [1, 2] there have been very interesting developments recently (of course this list is not exhaustive).
I also added a topic for potential organization in the openmod-forum: https://forum.openmod.org/t/open-transport-modeling-meetup-at-evc-25-in-stuttgart/5028
P.S.: Sorry for cross-posting for the ones on the openmod-trans mailinglist.