Scenario vs Sensitivity Analysis

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Nicolò Stevanato

Nov 11, 2023, 7:34:31 AM11/11/23

Dear openmodders,

As I am approaching the new semester during which I will start a new class in Politecnico di Milano where I will be teaching bottom-up energy system models for planning the energy transition, there is a question that has been floating in my mind for a while.

And I thought it might be interesting to ask your opinion about that.


Is there a reference out there for clearly defining the difference between a sensitivity analysis and a scenario analysis?


Sensitivity is easier to define I guess, as its goal is clear and it is adopted in many other modelling disciplines.


But sometimes the difference with scenario analysis might become blurred, different future costs of natural gas for example.


I have an idea in my mind but I am curious to hear some of yours.

Or maybe I’m making a fool of myself and there is a precise definition that I’ve been missing all this years.




Nicolò Stevanato

Department of Energy

Politecnico di Milano

Nov 11, 2023, 10:00:16 AM11/11/23
to Nicolò Stevanato,
HI Nicolò

I heard that the Open Energy Ontology project could not settle on a definition for "scenario" and has duly omitted that term or concept from their wider scheme.

Perhaps someone involved more in the OEO could comment? Being able to specify such concepts would seem a useful precursor to answering your particular question. 

with best wishes, Robbie

On 11.11.2023 13:34, Nicolò Stevanato wrote:
> Dear openmodders,
> As I am approaching the new semester during which I will start a new
> class in Politecnico di Milano where I will be teaching bottom-up
> energy system models for planning the energy transition, there is a
> question that has been floating in my mind for a while. 
> And I thought it might be interesting to ask your opinion about that.
> Is there a reference out there for clearly defining the difference
> between a sensitivity analysis and a scenario analysis? 
> Sensitivity is easier to define I guess, as its goal is clear and it
> is adopted in many other modelling disciplines.
> But sometimes the difference with scenario analysis might become
> blurred, different future costs of natural gas for example.
> I have an idea in my mind but I am curious to hear some of yours.
> Or maybe I’m making a fool of myself and there is a precise
> definition that I’ve been missing all this years.
> Best,
> Nicolò Stevanato
> Department of Energy
> Politecnico di Milano
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Matteo De Felice

Nov 12, 2023, 3:17:56 PM11/12/23
to openmod initiative
Dear Nicoló,
here is my two cents. 
The main difference between scenario and sensitivity analysis is not on the methodology but on the use of the information, the downstream decision-making and the questions addressed by the simulations. 
Scenario analysis is useful to identify what-if scenarios, narratives based on different assumptions, while sensitivity analysis is more focused on defining the "robustness" of some results, seeing what happens when (slightly) different assumptions are considered. 

Best regards, 

Fabian Neumann

Nov 13, 2023, 2:58:51 AM11/13/23
to openmod initiative
Hi all,

My mental model to distinguish the two is relatively similar to Matteo's.

- scenario analysis is narrative-based, usually there is just a handful of scenarios (e.g. high wind investment cost / low solar investment costs and vice versa)

- sensitivity analysis is about the response of the model outputs to a change in one (local) or multiple (global) inputs

An excellent overview I read was Section 2.2. in Will Usher's PhD thesis:

Global sensitivity analysis is a family of techniques used to determ-
ine the influence of a model input upon a model output. Sensitivity
analysis is often conflated with Uncertainty Analysis (UA) and un-
certainty propagation (UP), but these are both distinct steps within
a full meta-study of a model’s response to uncertainty. An UA is the
process of quantifying the uncertainties in a model’s inputs through
expert elicitation, statistical analyses and so on. Then, the aim of UP
is to quantify to what extent uncertainty exists in the outputs of a
model by using a technique, such as Monte Carlo sampling (or al-
ternative), to propagate uncertainty through a model. However, the
aim of sensitivity analysis is to, independently of the uncertainty of a
parameter, determine each parameter’s influence upon the model out-
put. So to paraphrase Hamby, (1994), an uncertainty analysis ranks
parameters according to their importance, and a sensitivity analysis
ranks parameters according to sensitivity

Screenshot from 2023-11-13 08-45-57.png
Best wishes,


Nicolò Stevanato

Nov 13, 2023, 6:00:07 AM11/13/23
to Fabian Neumann, openmod initiative

Hi all,

Thanks for the interesting inputs. I somehow align with what Matteo and Fabian said. In fact that’s how I was planning to formulate the slide.


(I like very much Fabian’s graphical explanation, very effective)


Scenario Analysis:


Scenario analysis involves developing and analyzing different plausible future scenarios to assess how changes in various input parameters might affect the model's results. These scenarios are often based on different assumptions or combinations of factors that could influence the energy system.


Multiple scenarios are created by adjusting several input parameters simultaneously to represent different possible futures. For example, scenarios might consider variations in energy prices, technological advancements, policy changes, or demand fluctuations. The model is then run for each scenario to observe the range of potential outcomes.

Key Features:

Scenario analysis helps decision-makers understand the range of possible outcomes under different conditions and can be valuable for strategic planning and risk management.


Sensitivity Analysis:


Sensitivity analysis, focuses on understanding how changes in specific input parameters impact the model's results. It helps identify which factors have the most significant influence on the model's outputs and which are less critical.


Sensitivity analysis involves varying one input parameter at a time while keeping others constant to observe the resulting changes in the model outputs. The goal is to identify parameters that, when altered, have a substantial impact on the results.

Key Features:

Sensitivity analysis provides insights into the relative importance of different parameters and helps prioritize efforts to gather more accurate data for those that have a greater impact on the model's outcomes.





From: Fabian Neumann
Sent: 13 November 2023 08:58
To: openmod initiative
Subject: Re: [openmod-initiative] Scenario vs Sensitivity Analysis


Hi all,


My mental model to distinguish the two is relatively similar to Matteo's.


- scenario analysis is narrative-based, usually there is just a handful of scenarios (e.g. high wind investment cost / low solar investment costs and vice versa)

- sensitivity analysis is about the response of the model outputs to a change in one (local) or multiple (global) inputs

An excellent overview I read was Section 2.2. in Will Usher's PhD thesis:


Global sensitivity analysis is a family of techniques used to determ-
ine the influence of a model input upon a model output. Sensitivity
analysis is often conflated with Uncertainty Analysis (UA) and un-
certainty propagation (UP), but these are both distinct steps within
a full meta-study of a model’s response to uncertainty. An UA is the
process of quantifying the uncertainties in a model’s inputs through
expert elicitation, statistical analyses and so on. Then, the aim of UP
is to quantify to what extent uncertainty exists in the outputs of a
model by using a technique, such as Monte Carlo sampling (or al-
ternative), to propagate uncertainty through a model. However, the
aim of sensitivity analysis is to, independently of the uncertainty of a
parameter, determine each parameter’s influence upon the model out-
put. So to paraphrase Hamby, (1994), an uncertainty analysis ranks
parameters according to their importance, and a sensitivity analysis
ranks parameters according to sensitivity


Ken Caldeira

Nov 13, 2023, 10:51:09 AM11/13/23
to Fabian Neumann, openmod initiative
When possible, it is good practice to avoid coining new definitions for terms where there has already been substantial community discussion and where consensus has been reached.

The IPCC has used the word "scenario" extensively, for example in the 2000 IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios.

The IPCC has continued to use this term through the 2023 Sixth Assessment Report, where it is defined:

A plausible description of how the future may develop based on a
coherent and internally consistent set of assumptions about key driving
forces (e.g., rate of technological change, prices) and relationships.
Note that scenarios are neither predictions nor forecasts but are used
to provide a view of the implications of developments and actions.
See also: Scenario, Scenario storyline.

Emission scenario
A plausible representation of the future development of emissions
of substances that are radiatively active (e.g., greenhouse gases
(GHGs) or aerosols) based on a coherent and internally consistent
set of assumptions about driving forces (such as demographic
and socio-economic development, technological change, energy
and land use) and their key relationships. Concentration scenarios,
derived from emission scenarios, are often used as input to a climate
model to compute climate projections.

IPCC, 2023: Annex I: Glossary [Reisinger, A., D. Cammarano, A. Fischlin, J.S. Fuglestvedt, G. Hansen, Y. Jung, C. Ludden, V. Masson-Delmotte, R. Matthews, J.B.K Mintenbeck, D.J. Orendain, A. Pirani, E. Poloczanskaa, and J. Romero (eds.)]. In: Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, H. Lee and J. Romero (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 119-130, doi:10.59327/IPCC/AR6-9789291691647.002.

I suggest that it would be helpful for communities not directly participating in IPCC processes, but working on related matters, to adopt IPCC definitions unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise.


Nov 14, 2023, 5:35:58 AM11/14/23

Hi all,


In my perception, the discussion about how we define the term scenario is kind of the default discussion at the beginning of each collaborative project with people from different domains. For this reason, I once also tried to create a categorization and added “sensitivity analyses” as synonym for a certain kind of “scenarios”. Maybe sharing this with you is helpful, maybe not 😊








Peter Regner

Nov 15, 2023, 8:47:01 AM11/15/23
I fully agree, just a minor comment: sensitivity analysis can also
involve varying multiple parameters at the same time, you could compute
results for the full 2D parameter space if you are interested in two
parameters over a certain range of values. Understanding which
parameters have a substantial impact is one aspect, but it is also
relevant to understand how much results change if (multiple) input
parameters are wrong.
However, in practice it is computational very expensive to compute such
a sensitivity analysis over a complete n-dimensional parameter space.
> *From: *Fabian Neumann <>
> *Sent: *13 November 2023 08:58
> *To: *openmod initiative <>
> *Subject: *Re: [openmod-initiative] Scenario vs Sensitivity Analysis
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Negar Namazifard

Nov 16, 2023, 5:06:07 AM11/16/23
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for this interesting discussion.
I fully agree with Peter that sensitivity analysis is not just about a "one-parameter-at-a-time" approach. It can be noticed also in Fabian's graphical explanation for global sensitivity analysis.
Two years ago, one of William Usher's papers (The Value of Global Sensitivity for Energy System Modelling) helped me a lot to learn more about this.

Best wishes,

Nov 21, 2023, 9:45:43 AM11/21/23
to openmod initiative
Hi all;

I also think this is a very interesting discussion!

@Peter - the field of "global sensitivity analysis" aims to develop efficient approaches to exploring as much of the parameter input space so as to accurately estimate the direct and interaction effects (or "importance") upon the model outputs.  This means exploring the effect of moving multiple parameters as @Negar and @Fabian highlighted.  While direct effects are easy to understand (e.g. if all technologies are more expensive, then the cost goes up), interaction effects are a bit trickier to understand (e.g. biomass is not available and CCS is expensive -> costs go up). In short, global sensitivity analysis tells you what really "drives" a model.

Our pre-print, currently under open review on Open Research Europe, aims to clearly show how to conduct a global sensitivity analysis of an energy system model and interpret the results. It also highlights some key overarching/general points from the literature which are important for all of us who use energy models:
- normally very few parameters really drive the model results we are interested in -> we should be mindful of these and include them in our scenario analysis
- costs of individual technologies are less important to the overall cost that seems to be realised (as technologies substitute for one another)

It's also possible to use GSA to investigate the relative importance of a model's structural assumptions (such as temporal or spatial resolution) as we have shown in this pre-print.

I think that what is confusing is the terminology of "sensitivity scenarios", which often refers to a small number of scenarios in which only one value is changed centred around one policy scenario of interest.  Personally, I would prefer a clear distinction between the purposes of scenario analysis to explore future pathways; and local or global sensitivity analysis to explore model behaviour. 


Dec 2, 2023, 3:53:40 AM12/2/23
to openmod initiative
Hello all

Also useful to recall that our scenarios+frameworks are only partial
representations of reality. They are not digital twins in any deep
sense. The underlying models are mostly bundles of constraints. And
real‑world constraints, when omitted, can only generally lead to
better‑than‑real solutions in model‑land.

Indeed I believe that important time delaying constraints may be missing
from many systems models. For instance, the time it takes to gain
planning permission for infrastructure projects. Or the lead‑in to
train up skilled labor. And that most numerical analyses are therefore
too "optimistic". The counter to this is that the real projects can
embark upon planning ahead of time and the models need not capture that
aspect. And similarly for upskilling efforts. But are those retorts
actually true? Or do the the models simply build out more easily and
rapidly than can occur in practice? And for those models adopting
perfect foresight, is that approach starting to come unstuck as the
urgency to transform grows and timeframes shrink?

Discussing the nature and effect of these inherent limitations,
necessarily present in all scenarios+frameworks studies, is arguably
more difficult than exploring the sensitivities extant within a set of
presumptions and parameterizations relative to the elected solution

with best wishes, Robbie

don't forget to fill out Franziska's survey on scenario narratives:
and the Grenoble workshop registration of interest form (till Thu 07

On 21.11.2023 15:45, wrote:
> Hi all;
> I also think this is a very interesting discussion!
> went
> @Peter - the field of "global sensitivity analysis" aims to develop
> efficient approaches to exploring as much of the parameter input space
> so as to accurately estimate the direct and interaction effects (or
> "importance") upon the model outputs. This means exploring the effect
> of moving multiple parameters as @Negar and @Fabian highlighted.
> While direct effects are easy to understand (e.g. if all technologies
> are more expensive, then the cost goes up), interaction effects are a
> bit trickier to understand (e.g. biomass is not available and CCS is
> expensive -> costs go up). In short, global sensitivity analysis tells
> you what really "drives" a model.
> Our pre-print [10], currently under open review on Open Research
> Europe, aims to clearly show how to conduct a global sensitivity
> analysis of an energy system model and interpret the results. It also
> highlights some key overarching/general points from the literature
> which are important for all of us who use energy models:
> - normally very few parameters really drive the model results we are
> interested in -> we should be mindful of these and include them in our
> scenario analysis
> - costs of individual technologies are less important to the overall
> cost that seems to be realised (as technologies substitute for one
> another)
> It's also possible to use GSA to investigate the relative importance
> of a model's structural assumptions (such as temporal or spatial
> resolution) as we have shown in this pre-print [11].
> I think that what is confusing is the terminology of "sensitivity
> scenarios", which often refers to a small number of scenarios in which
> only one value is changed centred around one policy scenario of
> interest. Personally, I would prefer a clear distinction between the
> purposes of scenario analysis to explore future pathways; and local or
> global sensitivity analysis to explore model behaviour.
> Will
> On Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 11:06:07 AM UTC+1
> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Thanks for this interesting discussion.
>> I fully agree with Peter that sensitivity analysis is not just about
>> a "one-parameter-at-a-time" approach. It can be noticed also in
>> Fabian's graphical explanation for GLOBAL SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS.
>> Two years ago, one of William Usher's papers (The Value of Global
>> Sensitivity for Energy System Modelling [9]) helped me a lot to
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Pierre-Francois Duc

Dec 6, 2023, 11:17:21 AM12/6/23
to openmod initiative

Hello openmoders,

Does anyone has the power/rights to block the flow of emails from Kathaleen Prabel which have nothing to do with energy system modelling?


Dr. Pierre-Francois Duc
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH
Rudower Chaussee 12
12489 Berlin

Geschäftsführerin Dr. Kathrin Goldammer
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 124659 B

Dec 6, 2023, 11:53:33 AM12/6/23
to openmod initiative
Hello Pierre-Francois, all

The mailing list owners and admins are listed here:

Now might be a good time to reshuffle responsibilities?


On 06.12.2023 17:17, Pierre-Francois Duc wrote:
> Hello openmoders,
> Does anyone has the power/rights to block the flow of emails from
> Kathaleen Prabel which have nothing to do with energy system
> modelling?
> Best,
> Dr. Pierre-Francois Duc
> _Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter_
> Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH
> Rudower Chaussee 12
> 12489 Berlin
> E-Mail:
> Geschäftsführerin Dr. Kathrin Goldammer
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Tom Brown

Dec 6, 2023, 12:04:52 PM12/6/23
Hi all,

I banned the person this afternoon (around 2pm CET). Sorry, we should
have noticed it earlier. If anyone else wants to join the admins, we'd
be happy to widen the circle!


Tom Brown (he/him)
Professor of Digital Transformation in Energy Systems
Institute of Energy Technology
Technische Universität Berlin

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Einsteinufer 25 (TA 8)
10587 Berlin

Dec 8, 2023, 4:23:12 AM12/8/23
to openmod initiative
More spam has recently arrived for the mailing list, I see.

The openmod forum has begun receiving spam registrations. Mercifully so
blatant that there is no need to loop through and ask for background.
See attached screenshot.

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