White house on open-source modelling

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Dylan McConnell

Jul 14, 2023, 12:53:46 AM7/14/23
to openmod initiative
Hi all, this is not strictly about energy modelling per se - but thought this statement in this paper from the White house (from March this year) might be of interest:

6. Model is open-source and peer-reviewed

Openness and transparency are important to generating confidence in government analysis and enabling equitable participation in public processes. The Administration is committed to principles of open government (White House 2022b). Models used for climate, energy, and macroeconomic analysis vary substantially in their degree of openness. Public accessibility is not a binary measure: for instance, model equations may be publicly documented, but the datasets or software required to run the model may require licenses. While proprietary models may by necessity play a role for some government applications, public accessibility and peer-review is a desirable criter

Full document found here (and attached):

Regards, Dylan
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