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Fwd: RGI: Join Connecting Energies 2024: Civil Society Training Series

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Robbie Morrison

Nov 11, 2024, 4:42:57 AM11/11/24
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Hello all

The Berlin‑based Renewables Grid Initiative is running some online training sessions about electricity practices in Europe covering topics like: assets, flexibility, metering, and pricing.

Perhaps of interest to some in this community?  Even if you need to deal with 120V and 60Hz.

More on various national systems on Wikipedia of course:

with best wishes, Robbie

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Subject: 🔔 Join Connecting Energies 2024: Civil Society Training Series
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 04:01:04 +0000
From: Eston from the Renewables Grid Initiative <>
Reply-To: Eston from the Renewables Grid Initiative <>

An Introduction to Electricity Grid Technologies, Flexibility, and Pricing in a Green Energy Future

Connecting Energies 2024: Civil Society Training Series

Electricity Grid Technologies, Flexibility, & Pricing in a Green Energy Future

Dear Robbie,

We are happy to invite you to Connecting Energies 2024, an expert-led training series designed to equip civil society with the knowledge needed to advocate for a decarbonised, renewables-based and affordable energy system. This three-part webinar series will cover fundamental aspects of the electricity system, including grid technologies, load balancing, flexibility, and electricity metering and pricing. Participants will gain key insights into how grid infrastructure, technologies and market mechanisms are evolving to support the energy transition.

The sessions will provide a deep dive into the physical components of the grid; key technologies and approaches enabling the integration of renewable energy and ensuring that green electricity is delivered at every hour, every day of the week (24/7); and the challenges and opportunities related to metering and pricing. Each session will focus on practical concepts that NGOs can leverage in their advocacy efforts to drive faster renewable energy adoption and to support grid development and expansion. Whether you are new to energy systems or looking to deepen your understanding, this training will provide essential knowledge to support the shift to a net-zero future.

Join the Training

Connecting Electrons | 29 November 2024
Introduction to electricity grid infrastructure, equipment, and technologies

This session will explore the fundamental components of the electricity grid—substations, transformers, lines, and cables—and how different electricity grid technologies (such as smart grids) can be deployed to support and allow for a broad participation in the energy transition. Participants will learn about the challenges related to modernising grid infrastructure and supply chains constraints, essential for embracing the complexity of the energy transition.

Speakers & Signup

Balancing Connections | 6 December 2024
Introduction to flexibility in a renewables-based energy system

Dive into technologies and approaches that allow electricity grid operators to manage demand and supply in an energy system with increasing shares of variable renewables. NGOs will gain critical insights of the related opportunities and challenges and explore the implications of demand-driven decarbonisation initiatives, such as 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy (CFE), that aim at sourcing carbon-free energy in a time and location-matched manner.

Speakers & Signup

Connecting Consumers | 13 December 2024
Introduction to electricity metering and pricing

This session covers modern electricity metering, including smart meters, and the pricing structures that determine consumer costs. Participants will learn about emerging trends in dynamic pricing and data monitoring and how these changes can unlock flexibility offered by individual consumers. Learn how these insights can strengthen NGOs’ efforts for fair and inclusive energy transition.

Speakers & Signup

What is Connecting Energies?

The complexities of the energy transition are critical to understand. This holds especially true for civil society organisations committed to the accelerated deployment of renewable energy and electricity grids necessary to reach our climate goals. This is why RGI began the Connecting Energies training series in 2023. This annual training series equips participants with the tools they need to advocate a rapid rollout of green energy in a way that maintains or even improves system security, reliability, and resilience – an informed argument for change.

Learn More

We look forward to seeing you!
For questions, please contact:

Eston McKeague
Manager - Communication

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About us

The Renewables Grid Initiative is a unique collaboration of NGOs and TSOs from across Europe engaging in an ‘energy transition ecosystem-of-actors’. We promote fair, transparent, sustainable grid development to enable the growth of renewables to achieve full decarbonisation in line with the Paris Agreement.

RGI Members originate from a variety of European countries, consisting of TSOs from Belgium (Elia), Croatia (HOPS), France (RTE), Germany (50Hertz, Amprion, TenneT and TransnetBW), Ireland (EirGrid), Italy (Terna), the Netherlands (TenneT), Portugal (REN), Switzerland (Swissgrid) and Spain (REE); and the NGOs BirdLife Europe, BIOM, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, Ember, FNE, Friends of the Earth Ireland, Fundación Renovables, Germanwatch, Legambiente, NABU, Natuur&Milieu, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), WWF International and ZERO. Europacable and IUCN are Supporting Members. RGI was launched in July 2009.

RGI gratefully acknowledges funding from the European Commission’s LIFE operating grant for NGOs. The sole responsibility for the content of the newsletter lies with RGI.
More information:

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