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New US open energy system data release: PUDL v2023.12.01

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Zane Selvans

Dec 13, 2023, 5:51:06 PM12/13/23
to openmod initiative

Hi energy nerds, I posted this on the Discourse as well, but I don't know how complete the overlap is between the two different fora, so I thought I would announce it here too.

Catalyst has just put out a new PUDL (public utility data liberation) data release with updated US energy system data through the end of 2022 from EIA, FERC, EPA, and elsewhere. It’s a stand-alone data only release with everything in SQLite or Parquet, and no need to install any specialized software to do further data processing / access analytical outputs (unlike our previous software + data releases).

It’s all CC-BY-4.0 licensed, and includes hundreds of tables with data from 1994-2023. In all it’s about 10GB when compressed. A longer release announcement is up in this GitHub Discussion.

Let us know what you think of the data, or if you have any issues getting up and running with it! We’re trying to centralize feedback and comments in the release announcement.


Zane A. Selvans, PhD
Data Liberation Engineer
Catalyst Cooperative
Signal/WhatsApp/SMS: +1 720 443 1363
Twitter: @ZaneSelvans
PGP: 0x64F7B56F3A127B04
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