Dear all,
As last year, we will organize a get-together after the session to socialize. EGU will take place in Vienna April 14–19 2024.
We very much welcome your contributions,
all the best,
Johannes, Luis, Marianne
This session addresses spatial and temporal modelling of renewable energy systems, both in a prospective as well as in a retrospective manner. Therefore, contributions which model the characteristics of future renewable energy systems are equally welcome as contributions which assess the characteristics of the past performance of renewable energies. Session contributions may reach from purely climate based assessments of simulated renewable generation time series, over assessments of land use to full energy system models used to better understand energy systems with high shares of renewables.
Studies may for instance:
Show the spatial and temporal variability of renewable energy sources, including resource droughts and complementarity between technologies and locations
Assess the resilience of energy systems to weather and climate extreme events, with a focus on infrastructure and resource adequacy
Derive scenarios for the spatial allocation of renewable energies based on climatic, technical, economic, or social criteria
Assess past spatial deployment patterns of renewables
Assess past impacts on land cover and land-use, including impacts on biodiversity and other environmental indicators
Explore and quantify impacts of wind and solar PV power deployment on the social and natural environment in a spatially explicit way
Derive integrated scenarios of energy systems with high shares of renewables (Including systems from the local scale e.g. in form of local Energy Communities to the national or continental scale).
The objective of the session is to provide an insight into recent advances in the field of renewable energy system modeling. The session welcomes research dedicated to climatic and technical issues, environmental impact assessments, and policy-making, forecasting and real time applications concerning renewable energy systems.
Associate Professor Dr. Johannes Schmidt
Institute for Sustainable Economic Development
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Peter Jordan-Str. 82
1190 Vienna / Austria