New report promoting collaborative energy system modeling for Europe

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Dec 12, 2023, 6:46:27 AM12/12/23
to openmod initiative, Belgian Energy Research Alliance)
Hello all

A very encouraging report out today — and noting that I have only read
the graphical abstract, attached — from the European Energy Research
Alliance (EERA) based in Brussels:

• Vingerhoets, Pieter et al (December 2023). *Towards a more
collaborative energy system modelling for addressing Europe's energy
transition challenges — EERA vision paper*. Brussels, Belgium: European
Energy Research Alliance (EERA). ISBN 978-2-931174-05-0.

Open source models and data harmonization are stressed. As are research
communities and collaboration.

My PDF copy came via a dedicated download URL. Perhaps the EERA website
will have the report file available for direct download in due course.

For some background, here is the Commission press release that
established ERRA in October 2008:

Some other news. The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) have just
set up a dedicated mailing list to look at the intersection between FOSS
and open data with a focus on legal aspects (and will doubtless traverse
AI related issues). Please reply off‑list if interested.

with best wishes, Robbie

Robbie Morrison
Schillerstraße 85
10627 Berlin

Dec 12, 2023, 8:30:27 AM12/12/23
to openmod initiative
A follow up on project mentions.

Several modeling frameworks are discussed and then compared in annex one
(all open‑source): GENeSYS-MOD, PyPSA, JRC-EU-TIMES, SpineOpt, REMix,

Calliope and OSeMOSYS (both open‑source) are mentioned in the main text.
Also PRIMES and the PRIMES‑GAINS‑GLOBIOM‑POLES tool chain (all closed
source), used extensively by the European Commission for many years.

The Open Energy Ontology (currently under CC0‑1.0 with a proposal to
dual license with MIT) is covered. And the Spine Toolbox.

The need for well‑designed research data infrastructure is emphasized.

For those outside of Europe, the European Carbon Border Adjustment
Mechanism (CBAM) is traversed — this instrument entered into force on
17 May 2023.

I should add that this report originates from EERA and not the European
Commission. Still, probably fair to say that the projects mentioned
have some currency with the Commission.

with best wishes, Robbie
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