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Webinar: AI for Enabling Net Zero Infrastructure

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Stephen Haben

Jan 7, 2025, 9:36:21 AMJan 7
Hi Openmodders, happy new year!

On 22nd January, we have a final webinar in our ADViCE (AI for Decarbonisation's Virtual Centre for Excellence) series, which may be of interest to you. 

We will be discussing the challenges of building new networks and connecting infrastructure (such as data centres and renewables) and will then have three presentations from organisations in the energy sector (SSEN Transmission, Energy Networks Association, and Continuum Industries)

So if you are interested in joining, then please register here:

We look forward to seeing you there!



Mark Howells

Jan 7, 2025, 11:22:39 AMJan 7
Dear All:

Just adding to Steve's email on the topic of events. Just in case anyone is interested we've set up a free certification system for OSeMOSYS and CLEWs. Webinar on the 15th of Jan for those who would like to find out more. We are helping support an ecosystem of some 11 or so open source tools (developed by and in partnership with various awesome groups out there).  We have now started translating those, so please do pass on to French and Spanish speakers who may find them useful. While we're a bit locked into the tools, general principles should be easy to pick up. All the slides etc are open under CC, so folk are more than free to extract what is useful for their purposes.
We tend to keep stuff updated on the Linked In pages for the (sub) community that helps oversee this stuff, OpTIMUS as well as CLEWs (for country+ level integrated assessments) and OSeMOSYS (to generate energy systems models). Do 'like' them if you want to keep up to date with various odds and sods from the team.

We are not super organised (and forgive us Robbie for sinning using LinkedIn 🙂) but will keep pinging here when there are new peer-reviewed studies and developments. And occasionally here if there is something (hopefully 🙂) generally useful.

Wishing everyone the best for 2025 (!) in your open-source energy and data modelling endeavours (!!)

Best, Mark

Mark Howells (Prof)
Joint Director STEER Centre, Loughborough University
Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College
Editor in Chief Energy Strategy Reviews

OpTIMUS Open Tools Integrated Modelling and Upskilling for Sustainable Development | 1,439 followers on LinkedIn. ...We're a community of practice with leading global organizations, top 10 universities, governments, important programs and more ... Providing access to #free and #opensource tools, data, and knowledge products for researchers, consultants and analysts: 🔌 Energy System and Investment Modelling: [] 🕯 Electrification and Access Investment Modelling: [] 💲 Data-to-Deal investment pipelines: [] 💹 Financial Planning of Energy Assets: [] ⚖ National Energy Balances: [] 📈 Future Energy Demand Projections: [] 🗺 Energy Modelling and Political Economy: [] 🌄 National Integrated Assessment Modelling: [] Connect with leading energy thinkers and analysts in your region, and access the latest polic

From: <> on behalf of Stephen Haben <>
Sent: 07 January 2025 14:36
To: <>
Subject: [openmod-initiative] Webinar: AI for Enabling Net Zero Infrastructure


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