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The elephant in the corner

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Rob Lewis

Oct 14, 2009, 12:25:08 PM10/14/09
As a longtime Mac user who only dabbles in programming, the big question to me is: WHERE IS APPLE ON THIS? 

Why didn't they come up with something like OpenMeta years go? Why don't they even have consistent handling of metadata among their own apps? Why is it up to a small group of independent developers to attempt to do, in a--let's face it--slightly kludgy way, what Apple should have already done? It's not like there is no clear need for it. And it could be a foundation for so much great stuff. 

I don't get it. And frankly it has lowered my respect for the company substantially. 

A guy I know who has known and worked with Steve Jobs off and on for years told me "Apple hasn't screwed up badly yet. But given enough time, I expect they will." 

I wonder if that time is upon us. 

Tom Andersen

Oct 14, 2009, 12:52:54 PM10/14/09
I have gone to about 7 WWDCs at a few I have stood up in front of the
'right people' and asked for real metadata support on OS X. There was
applause. They know about this problem. They know devs and customers
want a solution.

Nothing yet, but in their defence they have been kinda busy with all
that itunes / phone stuff. HFS+ can't last long.

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