running openmeta-cli 0.1 with relative unqualified path coredumps

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Dec 8, 2009, 9:06:27 AM12/8/09
to OpenMeta
starting openmeta with a 'relative' unqualified pathname coredumps.

~/bin/openmeta -p SpotlightHoc.pdf

06.12.09 10:12:55 openmeta[22158] *** Terminating app due to uncaught
exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSFileManager
fileSystemRepresentationWithPath:]: nil or empty path argument'
*** Call stack at first throw:
0 CoreFoundation 0x992da40a __raiseError + 410
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x98c13509
objc_exception_throw + 56
2 CoreFoundation 0x992da138 +[NSException
raise:format:arguments:] + 136
3 CoreFoundation 0x992da0aa +[NSException
raise:format:] + 58
4 Foundation 0x985e9967 -[NSFileManager
fileSystemRepresentationWithPath:] + 134
5 Foundation 0x985e98db -[NSString
(NSPathUtilities) fileSystemRepresentation] + 62
6 openmeta 0x0000af71 +[OpenMetaBackup
hashString:] + 29
7 openmeta 0x000075b7 +[OpenMetaBackup
calculateBackupFileName:] + 127
8 openmeta 0x0000970e +[OpenMetaBackup
restoreMetadataSearchForFile:withDelay:] + 52
9 openmeta 0x00007944 +[OpenMetaBackup
restoreMetadata:] + 49
10 openmeta 0x00004250 +[OpenMeta
getUserTags:error:] + 59
11 openmeta 0x00002e02 TagsAsString + 62
12 openmeta 0x000037ba main + 2089
13 openmeta 0x000029f2 start + 54

~/bin/openmeta -p ./SpotlightHoc.pdf
rating: none found

BTW: I found different usage information for 'omtool' and 'openmeta'

I'd like to have a switch to configure 'tags' 'filename' the
delimiter char,
now we have a blank, but that's also used to separate
multiple tags,
making it difficult to use the openmeta output within
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