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Apr 27, 2010, 5:19:46 AM4/27/10
to open...@googlegroups.com
Was just having a think about openlike, and fact is that it'll never
reach 100% adoption, but I as a user may want to use it every time, thus
might I suggest browser extensions be part of the plan?

(looking at a page with no "like" button that I really like)



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Apr 27, 2010, 5:56:09 AM4/27/10
to OpenLike
This is a good idea, but I think we should start with minimum viable
product. I'd consider browser extension if the zero-click login
approach does not really work.

People may be reluctant to install plugins...

Dan Brickley

Apr 27, 2010, 7:22:39 AM4/27/10
to open...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:56 AM, NickMikhailovsky
<nick.mik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is a good idea,  but I think we should start with minimum viable
> product. I'd consider browser extension if the zero-click login
> approach does not really work.
> People may be reluctant to install plugins...

You can do quite a lot with javascript: bookmarklets. "Drag this to
your toolbar" isn't quite so much to ask...


Kingsley Idehen

Apr 27, 2010, 7:33:50 AM4/27/10
to open...@googlegroups.com

Please take the time to understand what FOAF+SSL [1] and WebIDs are about.

Nathan has already explained that the endgame here is a bunch of machine
readable statements (records) that live in a Data Space.

Now, rather than make more centralized Data Spaces, why not have a
decentralized option? Basically, this is exactly what FOAF+SSL and
WebIDs deliver to you on a platter, right now.

Indicating that you "Like" something really boils down to:

1. Identifying a Subject
2. Indicating you "Like It" (basically a 3 part record of the form:
<#you> <like> <#something> )
3. Persisting your "Like It" statements to a Data Space (where you would
have one or more statement in the 3 part form expressing how you see the
4. You Data Space would be accessible for querying (and other CRUD
operations) via REST interfaces.

Once you have 1-3 in place, which is basically about using existing Web
Architecture, you can proceed to share information from your Data
Space(s) on your own terms. No centralization.

The emergence of RDFa and Microdata make what I describe a very natural
process for anyone (or program) capable of producing HTML. Thus, no
complex RDF formats oriented tax en route to the aforementioned nirvana.

Note, like this effort, FOAF+SSL is also community based, ditto DBpedia
[1] and everything you see coming out of the Linked Open Data community.

Ultimately, you will find that we can make statements about anything,
using intuitive user interfaces, because at the base sits a common data
model: Entity-Attribute-Value graph, which only requires data in 3 slots
per unit of information.

Almost every *thing* you can imagine has a global resolvable name
(WebID) on the Web, courtesy of DBpedia, Freebase, New York Times, BBC,
and many other data spaces within the rapidly growing Linked Open Data
Cloud [3].

A few years ago, another community put together a little known schema
called SIOC (pronounced SHOCK based on the fact that it would: Shock
Everyone, once groked) [4][5]. It's initial purpose was to model
bulletin boards, but it quickly evolved into a schema for guess what?
Doing exactly what I've articulated in this post: Saying Anything, about
Anything, Whenever, and from your own Data Space.


1. http://esw.w3.org/Foaf%2Bssl -- FOAF+SSL Wiki
2. http://dbpedia.org/About -- DBpedia
-- Linked Open Data Cloud Pictorial (it much bigger today!)
4. http://sioc-project.org/ -- SIOC Community Project Page
-- Shows SIOC Type Modules covering FavoriteThings (what you Like) and
many others items
6. http://bit.ly/cA0zxw -- Data 3.0 Manifesto (how to make Linked Data
without over emphasis on RDF formats) .



Kingsley Idehen
President & CEO
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
Twitter/Identi.ca: kidehen

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