Custom Projection İmage Quality Problem

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Jul 12, 2019, 9:56:26 AM7/12/19
to OpenLayers Dev
Hello i use openlayers (5.3.1) with proj4 for custom projection (srid: 7932). There isnt problem when running. No catch exception or warning. But after to add custom projection, image quality was bad and features was bigger (wfs layer). How can i use custom projection without bigger image . Can you help me?

My code for custom projection: 
proj4.defs('EPSG:7932', 'PROJCS["ITRF96 / TM30", GEOGCS["ITRF 1996", DATUM["International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1996", SPHEROID["GRS 1980", 6378137, 298.257222101, AUTHORITY["EPSG", "7019"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG", "6654"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0, AUTHORITY["EPSG", "8901"]], UNIT["Degree", 0.017453292519943295, AUTHORITY["EPSG", "9102"]]], PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator", AUTHORITY["EPSG", "9807"]], PARAMETER["Central_Meridian", 30], PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin", 0], PARAMETER["Scale_Factor", 1], PARAMETER["False_Easting", 500000], PARAMETER["False_Northing", 0], UNIT["Metre", 1, AUTHORITY["EPSG", "9001"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG", "7932"]]');

Firstimage with custom propjection:

Second image for no custom projection:

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