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Depth data by kinect v2

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Abdulrahman Alshanoon

Jul 17, 2017, 10:45:37 AM7/17/17
to OpenKinect

I am using Linux, Ubuntu 16.04, and Kinect v2. I want to estimate the distance between the object and kinect v2.
I know that from the depth image we clearly notice that the depth info of object is based on intensity of gray color [the most dense one is the closest to the kinect v2]. But I want I obtain the range of this gray color.

I tried these :-

roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch
rostopic echo /kinect2/sd/image_depth

I get a lot of numbers and I do not know how to read it or convert it to millimeter or meter.

Any one can help ?????????????????????
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