OpenJUMP 1.16 released

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Jan 3, 2021, 10:44:53 AM1/3/21
to jump users, jump devel
Greetings earthlings, aliens and neither nor,

this epic release marks the end of the long lasting OJ version 1.x series. we emptied our bug tracker, hence it contains lots of bug fixes and enhancements. most effort went into raster support. for details check below.

enjoy and cheers to glorious new year ..ede

Version 1.16 release rev.6669 (released on 03. January 2021)

This is the final release of the long lasting OJ version 1.x series.

The next release will introduce backward incompatible changes that'll
initially break all unmodified extensions/plugins. So enjoy this one and
look forward to OJ2 developed in a Git-repo using the latest locationtech JTS.

New Features
* Added RasterizePlugIn. A plugin to rasterize vector layer according to
an attribute value and cell size (plugin located under Tools>Generate)
* Raster Pixel Inspection. Added capability to retrieve a set of pixel
values in a table dragging on an area of the raster (like pixel inspector
in ArcGIS) - currently limited to the first band
* Add an interiorBorder option to BasicStyle
* Added new tools in SextanteGIS :
- Under "DEM Processing" menu (Raster analisys)
a) Map pits. Tool to map pits and sinks to verify the quality of a raster
for hydrological analisys
b) Remove single-cell pits. To remove single pits in order to speed sink
filling of a DEM
c) Remove sinks. Modified from "Sink Filling" Sextante tool, to solve
a bug (Schröder et al,, 2010, 6 International gvSIG Conference) and
to speed the process
- Under "Rasterization and interpolation" menu
d) Rasterize vector layer (2). Modified version of "Rasterize vector layer"
to solve a bug on rasterize polygons
* EditOptionPanel : Added option to automatically open a feature attributes
Info Frame after a new feature is created. Workaround to Feature request
#245 "Create form to edit attribute values"
* CadTools Plugin version 0.9: added capability to load Python console and
tools: added Align and Distribute selected features tools

* reorder app exit handlers, do not run if exit is cancelled
* replaced MergeSelectedPolygonsWithNeighbourPlugIn by
MergePolygonsWithNeighbourPlugIn :faster, transactional, more
* Updated CadTool plugin to ver. 1.0: activated Add and remove area plugin
* add support for gdal/spatialite via homebrew on macOS
- spatialite works if homebrew java is installed and used via JAVA_HOME
above e.g. usr/local/opt/java11
- home-brew gdal on mac mini-howto
1. Install home-brew according to
2. Add osgeo4mac repo 'brew tap osgeo/osgeo4mac'
3. Install gdal 'brew install osgeo-gdal'
4. run OJ
* added gdal support for debian/ubuntu, installing package libgdal-java
suffices now to have gdal image loaders up and running, tested on Ubuntu 20
* tested spatialite DB Datastore support on Ubuntu 20, works with package
libsqlite3-mod-spatialite installed
* installer
- added a FinishPanel to installer as requested in featreq #270
- disable shortcut creation on linux, not working properly anymore
- enable run-privileged for all windows versions
* add multiple extension dirs support eg.
-plug-in-directory "lib\plus" -plug-in-directory "lib\ext"
* Update GraphToolBox extension to 0.8.0 : improve strahler order
calculation and add shreve, horton and hack orders
* SpatialDBDSDriver
- fix sqlite not loading mod_spatialite anymore because
connection properties were not delegated properly
- keep one caching Dateparser instance per result dataset to speed up date
parsing by magnitudes
* beautify selected menu item icons (checkboxed) on windows
by ticking them visually
* make geoimg framework more robust if imageio-ext or gdal is missing
* add jai-imageio.core (oss successor of sun's jai-core) to OJ CORE
* prefer jai-imageio.core readers over all (primarily just TIF n BMP)
* upgrade imageio-ext to latest greatest 1.3.2
* ImageLayerManagerPlugin shows actually used loader if none was preselected
* upgrade commons imaging to 1.0-alpha2
* update postgresql and sqlite jdbc drivers
* converted Sextante Toolbox as OpenJUMP Detached InternaFrame
* Update and fixes BeanShell Editor PlugIn and dependencies
* Updated CadPlan Jump Printer plugin
* Updated VertexSymbols plugin to version 0.20:
a) Extended capability of the plugin to feature classification by attribute
b) Added capability to style linestrings with symbols at user-defined
distance between each other, offset to the line, and rotation according
to segments orientation
c) better visual and command organization
d) activated capability to read/use pure WKT files as symbols (already
embedded by Geoff)
e) integration with some basic style parameters (line/fill colors, global
f) improved panels, commands and GUI
* Correct text preview panel of TextEditor for wrapped text
* upgrade apache-commons jars codec, compress, imaging, lang3 to latest stable
* WMS client
- text request fetches encoding from header content-type now
- save trusted url that needs no cert verification only per session
- fix http auth on cert unverified requests
- rework allow cert unverified dialog, properly wraps and resizes now
* Now tolerate an empty cpg file along with shapefile

* Added a valid plugin to export the view to several file formats (Raster,
SVG, PDF). Export view to scale: style elements will be resized according
to the selected scale. This plugin substitutes SaveViewAsRaster and
SaveViewAsSVG plugins in OpenJUMP PLUS version
* PLUS upgrade ojmapcoloring, added Hungarian translation
(thanks to JJnos Tamás Kis), polish translation

Bug Fixes
* fix #517 : raster styling of float32 image
* fix #516 modeler, z-interpolation was incorrect and transaction
management was error-prone
* fix #512 about georeferencing (introduced by r6523)
* fix #503 again (half-pixel shift)
* fix #508 : java2xml with setInteriorBorder/hasInteriorBorder property
* fix #382 : deleting warping vectors was not possible with incremental mode
* fix #451 : Add image layer throwing NPE
* fix IllegalAccessException when using Sun TIFF reader with java9+
* fix #502 : fatal bug in ColorThemingStyle
* small fix in csv driver -> v1.1.1
* bugfix #385 RasterImageLayer was not cloneable
* Protection against null GeometryColumn when building spatial filter for Spatialite
* bugfix #491 WMS getCapability without title
* Fix a bug in spatialite loader preventing loading anything exported
from QGis using spatialite format (OGC_OGR_LAYOUT)
* fix #497 : read dates from database as java.util.Date, not String
* fix #494 : csv driver 1.0.3 : fix serialization problem
* Fix #492 GetFeatureInfo without certificate + encoding
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