OpenJUMP 1.15 released

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Feb 19, 2020, 10:42:54 AM2/19/20
to jump users, jump devel
Dear fellow Jumpers,

this snazzy release contains mostly fixes and some new Raster capabilities courtesy of Peppe. check the change log below.

cheers ..ede

Version 1.15 release rev.6241 (released on 16. February 2020)

New Features
* RasterLayerEditor can now apply a style to several layers (FR #263)
* Implements FR #262 : copy info to clipboard (patch from Rashad)
* FR#265 : add a plugin to make line from ordered points
* Added 2 plugins for raster analysis:
a) Kernel Analysis PlugIn: a tool to apply smoothing or edge detection
filters to a raster layer
b) Crop-Warp Plugin: a set of tools to crop, move, scale, transform a
raster layer using another layer, geometry or the view as target

* Improve calculation of polygon width/length attributes
* #487 Improve performance of LayerNamePanel when it contains
ColorThemingStyle with many items
* Speed-up layers with theming style (see also #487)
* Clean and improve ExtractLayersByAttribute

Bug Fixes
* Fix #488 color ramp inverted
* bugfix #489 "Veneto Region (Italy) WMS service does not work on OpenJump"
wms now follows http redirections by default
* Display a message instead of throwing an exception if a WMS
GetCapabilies has an empty tag WMT_MS_Capabilies/Service/Title
* fix bug in MakeValidOp
* fix bug in Spatialite datasources management, where spatial index query was not built
even if a spatial index was defined on the geometric column

* OpenKLEM updated
* Update GraphToolBox extension to 0.6.3 (small improvement)
* Upgrade concave-hull to 0.3 (remember last used parameter)
* add new capabilities to SetAttributes extension 0.8
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