OpenJUMP 2.0 released

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Mar 1, 2022, 1:13:41 PM3/1/22
to jump users, jump devel
just in time,

for the annual icelandic beer day[1] the new and improved OpenJUMP arrives on your virtual door step. We are very proud to present some major improvements in this release reflected in the major version jump from 1.16 to version 2.0.
The long overdue port to the recent and maintained JTS 1.18 took place as well as the switch from's svn to github git as source repository.
We invite each and every user, developer to take part in the development and improvement of this project. it's not called *Open*JUMP by accident :)

We want to acknowledge the efforts of Eric Grosso, who took the initiative and researched the best way to move over to git, preserving the commit history as well as the upgrade to locationtech's JTS. Thank you Eric!

The installer seems to be broken in windows 10 and later, so we suggest the Portable distribution to windows users for now.
Release files will stay on for the foreseeable future. Go ahead and get your copy on

cheers & jump safely y'all ..ede


Changes in Version 2.0 release rev.5095[a56ff6d] (released on 01. March 2022)

New Features
- Removed WFS functionality because of missing deegree2 sources
- Add GeometrySnapperPlugIn and a self-snap function into geometry
functions plugin
- overhauled cmd line parameters for extension development support,
parameter '-plug-in-directory' renamed to '-extensions-directory'
new cmd line parameters '-jars-directory','-limit-ext-lookup'
commit message on how it is supposed to work
- removed mysql jdbc in favor of freely available mariadb jdbc
- removed ImportArcMapStylePlugIn
- add Snap-rounding plugin using JTS 1.18
- add GeometryFixer algorithm to MakeValidPlugIn
- AttributePredicate: add Long data type

- OJ2 core and extension repos now located at
- cleaned all extension and dependency jar binaries from source tree,
they are downloaded with maven during the build now
- mavenized complete development chain, including IDE development
- upgraded to latest greatest JTS 1.18.2
- improved usage of JTS algorithms
- convert OJ2 project to UTF-8, language files can be edited online now
- adapted all PLUS extensions to OJ2 API changes
- mavenized build and packaging of all PLUS extensions
- clean/improve wms layer management, add style management
- adbtoolbox vectorize algorithm: use cell height, not only cell width
- add a fast vectorization algorithm to Raster VectorizeToPolygonsPlugin
- upgrade imageio-ext to 1.3.11, batik to 1.6-1, xz to 1.9
- add robust algo options for geometry eraser and precision reducer (#28)
- enhanced I18N to be usable for extensions as well
- started work to remove JUMPWorkbench.getInstance() usage
- single instance use of FeatureInstaller and EnableCheckFactory
- moved tests into own src folder, prevents recompiling full source
- upgrade junit to 5.8.2, mariadb to 2.7.3, sqlite to 3.36, postgres to 42.3
- revamped BeanToolsPlugin, new icons, better menu creation, fixed scripts
- adapt GeometryConversionPlugin to new JTS, add icons
- utilize new JTS overlaying algorithm in
OverlayPlugIn, UnionByAttributePlugIn, DissolvePlugIn, Dissolve2PlugIn
- repair invalid geometries if any before UnionByAttribute & Dissolve
- add robust and fixed precision algorithms in GeometryFunctionPlugIn for
Intersection, Union, Difference A-B, Difference B-A, Symmetric difference
- translation updates for several languages (still looking for translators!)

Bug Fixes (details either on or )
- fix #17 OpenFileWizard with multiple files and options does not work
- fix #22 about the 0.5 pixel shift of referenced images
- fix #23 about wms base url including parameters
- fix #37 and make it possible to have optional attributes in XMLBinder
- fix #40 GeoJSON manage crs at the FeatureCollection level where possible
- fix UpdateWithJoinPlugIn not compatible with Database Transaction Manager
- fix wrong CursorTool hotspot on HiDPI systems
- fix #42 select layers with selected items
- don't die on reading srs info from invalid GeoTIFFs
- fix WMS parameters encoding

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