Latitude/Longitude Coordinates For Shape?

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John Laurence Poole

Mar 1, 2024, 2:53:37 PMMar 1
to openjump-users
I love OpenJump, have used it off and one over the last decade.
Version 2.2.1 release rev.5222[94156e5] on Windows 7.
C:\Users\jlpoole>java -version
java version "1.8.0_241"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_241-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.241-b07, mixed mode)


Here's my current problem:

I have drawn two rectangles over a neighborhood. 
I need to determine what the coordinates are for each corner in terms of latitude/longitude.  

I've tried saving the layer containing the two rectangles as KML and then import into Google Earth, but that failed.  I was able to export the two shapes (in their own layer) as ESRI, I added a projection file having the same name as my file exported from OpenJump as ESRI (which export was 0 bytes) used for a shapefile from the same area, and successfully imported the shapefile into Google Earth.  Unfortunately, Google Earth does not make the latitude/longitude coordinates readily available.

I feel as though I have been in this position before and I checked the mailing lists for my prior posts using "latitude" for a search option and nothing came up.  This issues seems ridiculously simple and I am flummoxed that I cannot translate coordinates I have created for my rectangles into latitude/longitude.

I like to use OpenJump to draw shapes over maps and use same for demonstrations.  Now I need some coordinates so I can isolate aircraft ADSB data which is in latitude/longitude (decimal).

My export as wkt is:

POLYGON ((7545201.866587563 468159.80015495594, 7545201.866587563 479613.01169496414, 7555509.75697357 479613.01169496414, 7555509.75697357 468159.80015495594, 7545201.866587563 468159.80015495594))

POLYGON ((7547492.508895565 468716.0990011849, 7547492.508895565 474999.003617418, 7552433.75158854 474999.003617418, 7552433.75158854 468716.0990011849, 7547492.508895565 468716.0990011849))

Thank you.

John Laurence Poole

Mar 1, 2024, 4:10:00 PMMar 1
to openjump-users
As chance would have it, I selected the object within Google Earth and then pasted into a text editor to find the latitude and longitude value I seek:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="" xmlns:gx="" xmlns:kml="" xmlns:atom="">
<Style id="falseColor">
-123.0087887561926,44.92466060310021,0 -123.0095421582792,44.94188622501183,0 -123.0286168692417,44.94146368409545,0 -123.0278577480915,44.92423818823524,0 -123.0087887561926,44.92466060310021,0

 This is a works-for-me, albeit clumsy, so I encourage any further responses that might make the values obtainable within OpenJump.
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