OpenJUMP 1.14 released

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Jan 1, 2019, 12:55:24 PM1/1/19
to jump users, jump devel
Here we go again,

new year, new OJ

the majority of the additions come from Peppe this time which is much appreciated.
find the complete list of changes below.

a happy new year to each and all ..ede

Version 1.14 release rev.6065 (released on 01. January 2019)

* CORE source is now java 8
* general java 11 runtime compatibility
* improved raster profile tool.
use as profile trace either a selected linestring or a drawn line
calculate relative/absolute slope of the profile added
calculate traveling time if profile is defined along route added
export profile to DXF added
* replaced SaveLegendPlugin with a new one, LegendPlugin, which allows
to display a legend of symbols adopted into the view and to save it as
image file
* replaced "Export style to SLD" with a new one, "Save Style" which allows
to export either to SLD or to JUMP XLM layer style file
* replaced "Import style from SLD" with "Load Style" plugin which allows
to load either SLD file or JUMP XML layer style file
* speedup OJ startup by some seconds

New Features
* Added LegendPlugin to display a legend of symbols adopted into the view
* PLUS: Added OpenKLEM extension for topographic and Hydrological analysis
* Reactivated Raster Legend plugin with option to save legend to image
* Add two plugins :
- GenerateUniqueRandomIdPlugIn (menu tools/edit attributes)
- SelectAllOrderedFeaturesFromAttributeTablePlugIn (AttributeTable context menu)
* Added histogram plugin for raster which calculates
also statistic indices, relative and cumulative frequancies

* Make IntersectPolygonLayersPlugIn faster
* speedup some plugin's init by delaying gui and preventing double init
took 0.43s now 0.01s
org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.file.OpenFilePlugIn took 0.62s now 0.03s
org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.file.OpenProjectPlugIn took 0.46s now 0.01s
took 1.22s now 0.02s
as a side note, testing shows that OJ startup gets faster with newer java
versions _out of the box_, repeated tests on a 2 core laptop showed:
jdk8 21.30s, jdk9 14,24s, jdk11 12,02s
* Added SaveStylePlugin that allows to save OpenJUMP Style either to SLD file
or to JUMP XML layer style file <>.
Deactivated "Export style to SLD"
* Added LoadStylePlugin that allows to load SLD file or JUMP XML layer
style file as OpenJUMP style.
Deactivated "Import style from SLD"
* Added a standard icon from Kosmo Saig to RasterLegendPlugIn,
WMSLegendPlugIn and (Layer) LegendPlugIn
* Moved LegendPlugIn to Layer>Style and Layer tree>Style menu.
Deactivated SaveLegendPlugIn
* New mechanism for SpatialDatabasesDSMetadata to get information about
spatial tables: done in one query, to reduce the number of queries
sent to the backend (took several minutes on big DB)
* upgrade apache commons codec, compress, io, lang3 to latest
* comment unused javax.xml.bind package call, added commented alternatives
* upgrade xz to latest
* Improve LayerView naming and saving, allow views based on view
* WMSLegendPlugIn. Added capability to export WMS legend to PNG image file
* DEMStatisticsPlugIn. Substitute output HTMLDoc with JTable.
Allow selection of multiple layers on plugin dialog.
Extend to multi band raster files
* make target layer of EraseLayerAWithLayerBPlugIn updateable. Improve 18N.
* make EraseLayerAWithLayerBPlugIn more robust

Bug fixes
* make sure workbench pane background is blue over on all implementations,
before the bg color was determined by the UI used (blue on windows,
black or grey on osx and linux)
* reenable macOS menu integration for java9+, added Preferences item
* rework version detection for 'openjdk version "12-ea"' in start scripts
* linux/mac starter remove when run w/ java 11+
* Fix LayerView to make it compatible with project persistence
* Fix #478 : AdHoc SQL query can be interrupted properly
* Fix FlexibleFeature#getAttributes() (was not implemented)
* bugfix in SkeletonPlugIn (PLUS version, GraphToolBox)
* bugfix in Dissolve2 : could not use geometry attribute as key
* 3 bugfix in layerListener management (hopefully fix #419)
- layerListener is removed when the concerned layer is removed
- sridStyle set geometry srid only once, not once per Layer
- layerListener added by AbstractPlugIn UndoableEdit is removed from
LayerManager when the layer is removed
* also remove layerListeners added with associated to AttributeTablePanel,
AttributeTab, OneLayerAttributeTab, ViewAttributesFrame, InfoFrame,
WorkbenchFrame, EnsureAllLayersHaveSrid when the Layer is removed
* bugfix: handling date/time fields of JML datasets was still broken (empty
strings was returned as String instead of null)
* bugfix #475: log messages doubled in the console

* Updated ColorChooser to version 1.3
* Updated OpenKLEM to ver 20181222, correct some bugs
* PLUS: add jaxb xml libs, which were removed from jdk9+, currently only
needed by ViewManager extension, document extension and needed deps in
* Small fix in Topology extension (Adjust Polygon Boundaries)
* Updated OpenKLEM to ver. 20181010:
Moved Slope, Aspect, Hillshade plugin to Geomorphometry menu
* Updated OpenKLEM to ver. 20181004:
a) Homologated HillShade to ESRI standard
b) Histogram. Correct bug.
* Update GraphToolbox and MatchingPlugIn extensions
* Raster profile plugin:
Plugin recognizes Layer unit.
Absolute or relative slope output
Added capability to compute travel time on route depending to input flat,
uphill and downhill speeds
Simplified additional result output.
Added capability to draw a slope profile
* upgrade dxf-driver to 0.9.0 (could not export MultiPolygon)
* small improvements in SkeletonPlugIn (PLUS version, GraphToolBox)
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